The cause of death of Leyla Aydemir is finalized! Important detail in the investigation …


then lost 8 of 22 in Ankara in June years in September Yağlıkara sexual abuse and all the terrified Turkey slip to be a victim of murder; In Ağrı, the 4th anniversary of the search and rescue work of Leyla Aydemir with great care and disappearance of the first day of Ramadan Bayramı 18 days deeply reached the tiny, lifeless body. With his family, his tiny Leyla, who went to the village of Begirhane in Ağrı due to the visit of the party, was put in the water in the bed of Kurudere stream, about 2 kilometers away. from the village where she disappeared. Why was Leyla Aydemir, who was found by a peasant who was going to eliminate the lifeless body that was brutally murdered, dead? What happened to Leyla, who was determined by the team to have been hit by his body according to his early determinations?

Important details of the murder of Yağlıkara in September: the mother of the murderer …


In the sense of the statements made by the governor of Agri Suleiman Elban, the cause of death of Leyla Aydemir appeared. With regard to the cause of the death of Solomon Elban; "The cause of death is to be hungry at 8-10 years old, no sign of beating or injury, no violence from a wild animal, no abuse or rape of the animal. 39, child, no kidnapping, no doubt "

An important detail appeared in the investigation that began with the murder of Leyla. It was found that the person who had been detained was a woman who came from Osmaniye to the village of Bezirhane and who suggested that she was a "psychic", a "chief teacher".

Leyla Aydemir shares with Ünlüler, the woman who was detained was released after the prosecutor's question. WHAT HAS ARRIVED AT THE LEYLA AYDEMİR MINIMUM WHO IS ACTUALLY EQUIPPED?

After the search and rescue of Ağrı lost in the village of Bezirhane by the Ağrı Governorate, reached the Twitter account Leyla Aydemir 4 years on the description carried out. "Leyla Aydemir, our daughter, who disappeared on June 15, 2018, reached her body today at 6:45 pm in the creek bed within 3 kilometers of the village center."

On the other hand, after reaching the inert body of Leyla Aydemir's heart, the Minister of the Interior Süleyman Soylu also made important statements. The information on Leyla Aydemir's body disappeared in Ağrı and the search and rescue work of the 18th day continues and the investigation is still ongoing. Indicating that Leyla's body had been spotted several times before, Interior Minister Süleyman Noble said: "There is no rape according to the first determinations, it is as an impression as if it had been brought there later, but these are all results of autopsy, the end of the work to be done will be determined.There is a very small sign of blows, this is not a sudden, it's a silent, and the result of the autopsy is obvious. "

The grandfather of Leyla Zeki Aydemir, Demirören News Agency DECISION OF Leyla AYDEMİR lost between ZEKİ AYDEMİR …

na (DHA), making heartbreaking statements about the little Leyla who went to the murder victim; "Our grandson found a peasant who went to the area today and he informed us when we went to look as if the face had been watered, there were scars on his back, I could not look at her face.

With regard to the written statements made by the Governorate after the disappearance of Leyla at the age of four, she was sentenced to death by a police officer [19659015] "All Mobese cameras in the city center and provinces were examined and all Mobese registers in the districts were examined. The artesian piles and stacks that the child might have fallen into the village were have been searched by the screwdrivers and the tall grass of the village were searched. In order to do a broader and more comprehensive search of the event area, search for dogs and drone in the air in order to search the area around the village and its surroundings.

For the search and rescue operations initiated for Minik Leyla, the security guards, the AFAD, the Gendarmerie Search and Rescue, the UMKE, the NGOs, the Gendarmerie Special Operations teams are looking for the corpse for finding deposits and creek beds.

The gendarmerie team, who went to the scene in a short time on the small Leyla, took measures first in the l 39; environment, the entry and exit of dogs being closed by the tiny Leyla. The two prosecutors who were assigned to the Attorney General of the Republic Ağrı started to investigate by coming to the area. The lifeless body of Leyla Aydemir was taken to the morgue of the Agri State Hospital for autopsy. Leyla

Leyla Aydemir, 4, was buried in tears early in the morning in the village of Begirhane in Agri. His father Nihat Aydemir said that he did not want a ceremony for the funeral scheduled for lunch today Leyla Aydemir was buried in the morning

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