The chief advisor to the president became apparent! – New


The appointments to the Presidency of the Presidency of the Presidency and to the Presidency of the Strategy and Budget have been published in the Official Journal.

According to this document, Naci Ağbal is the president of the presidential strategy and the budget and Professor Naci Ağbal is the president of the presidency. Dr. Fahrettin Altun was appointed

On the other hand, Fecir Alptekin and Zafer Çubukcu were appointed chief advisers to the president and Ahmet Algan, Hasan Hüseyin Ünlü and Şükran Kodalak were appointed members of the Council of the competition with appointment decisions in the Official Journal.


Appointed Deputy Minister at the Department of National Education, Social Services and Family Ministries.

According to the decisions of the President published in the Official Journal, İbrahimir and Reha Denemeç were presented to Vice Ministers of National Education.

Ahmet Erdem and Ayşe Ergezen were appointed Deputy Ministers of Labor, Social Services and Family. b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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