In the district of Kötekli, where the central district of Menteşe is densely populated by students, 14 people from a foreign woman have been infected with HIV by word of mouth.
On the basis of this allegation, the teams of the Public Security Directorate of the Muğla Provincial Security Directorate began their work. The investigation in Kötekli and the interviews with the authorities of the Health Directorate of Muğla Province revealed that the complaint was unfounded.
The chairman of the Muğla Medical Chamber made a statement on this matter. Hakan Turan, "The allegations are just rumors. That's what's happening to us today. As in all the cities of Muğla, there are of course HIV-positive people, but their number has not increased. Ataturk Culture Center of Muğla Sitki Kocman University We will be organizing an HIV / AIDS awareness panel on November 30th. We invite everyone to our panel to start at 4 pm "
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