Following the convening of the 59 provincial presidents of the CHP, "give up on the occasion of the congress", Muharrem İnce came up with a poisoned explanation. Well "I look at developments early with discretion and regret, and all means are put in place to get on the seat," he said. Following this explanation, 129 deputies of the CHP supported the explanation of the actions of the provincial president against the extraordinary demands of the general assembly.
At the Congress of the Republican Law Party (CHP) and debates on signing, the support of President General Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu came from the 59 provincial presidents. Provincial leaders, including Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, discussed joint statements and extraordinary debates at the General Assembly, focused local elections and "abandon congress demands" to convention signatories.
] Muharrem İnce, who commented on the Twitter account, "I look at the developments at the beginning with disdain and regret." Those who cling to the seat are trying every way to get up, applying all means.
In the CHP, which has 144 members of Parliament, 129 deputies issued a statement in support of the statement made by the 59 provincial president against the extraordinary demands of the general meeting.Another tweet about this announcement is Slightly Slight, "I have appointed a vice president of 16 years, vice president of 4 years. I know very well what conditions parliamentarians explain in the races at the party.
Responding to CHP Presidents with CHP
Following the announcement of the 59 HPC Provincial Chiefs today, the CHP MP Prof.Dr. Gaye Usluer replied. During a television show in which he participated, Usluer said: "No one has the right to usurp the delegate.
In response to a statement from the provincial presidents, the CHP came from Bilecik MP Yaşar Tüzün, representing panic of provincial chiefs, Tüzün from CHP shared the following messages from his Twitter account: "The explanation made without consulting our district leaders and our Congress delegates, regardless of the organization and our people, have been panicked, not the opinions of our organizations, but the personal opinion of those who participate in it. explanation
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