The detective's mother said, "One day after the wedding, quirks began"


According to Sema Alim Dalgıç's report of the Sabah newspaper, the mother said that she kept the detective and learned the facts:

KIZIM IS NOT 'BORA & # 39; ; …

"As far as I can remember, I met Bora Yildiz at the age of 16 when she was 16 when she was 16. She was She said she was a boyfriend 2 months after I met her and she showed me a picture and I asked her if she was not too tall. I spoke with Bora on the phone and Bora told me that she loved my daughter very much and that her intention was serious and that she wanted to sit face to face with me. and meet me in a mall Bora Yıldız said that his intention with my daughter was serious, She said that she wanted to marry my daughter first, and in early 2015 she told me that she wanted to marry me I told her not to confess that her age is smaller, my daughter was more confused about me than saying "Anne Bora, someone who "He told Bora that he was gone there them months and that Emre Teker would marry a named person.

Class = "cf"

"One day, I was arguing while going to the kitchen and picking up He said that if I put my knife in my throat and dropped it, he would kill me.After the knife incident, he told me that Emre wanted to meet me. I went to meet Emm in Istanbul in 2015. He spoke to me about his family and told me that he was involved in the information work.He told his father that She was a retired commissioner, that her mother was a housewife.After this conversation, my daughter started to pressurize and said that she would run away if necessary. realized that I could not give up, I convinced them to come to meet me. "


" Emre came to meet his mother and from his father When my daughter was tight, we were married on June 12, 2015 and June 16, 2015. Nurture Emre did not even hold my daughter's hand. On the fiance's table, the photos were taken while eating, and in this picture, my daughter and Emre were sitting. There were weddings in August 2015. Throughout the wedding, my daughter was very unhappy and very busy. One day after the wedding, quirks began. He did not open it, he spoke too short when he opened it. My daughter's clothes changed a lot when they came to us. She was very obviously dressed and seemed complex. I did not see my daughter after the wedding. I went to their house and there was no one in the house.

Class = "(19459003)" When I saw my daughter doing this kind of makeup, I searched on the Internet and I learned that she may have been involved in the Adnan Oktar group.As far as I learned on the internet, I learned that Oktar was not a member of the Adnan Oktar group. was separated from her family of girls.To be sure, I searched the internet for a detective and held a private detective for 5 thousand lire in Bakırköy.After a month later, this detective told me that my daughter and Emre were involved in the Adnan Oktar group.However, she told me that the company to which she belongs belongs to the Adnan Oktar group and that Emre is a mad.My daughter has been away from me every day and I do not see my daughter for a long time. "

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