Next year, the Russo brothers of the director of Avengers 4 will be published, this is the name of the question of Avengers 4 on the answer to give to the air horn.
Avenger: One of the most evocative films of 2018, the Russo brothers (Anthony Russo and Joe Russo), who will direct the movie Avengers 4, one of the most popular films of 2019, which runs Infinity War . With his admirer watched the first trailer of Avengers 4.
The hopes were that the Russo brothers would announce the name of Avengers 4 before watching the trailer. But that did not happen. In addition, the Russo brothers answered the questions asked about Avengers 4 during the event with the buzzer on their smartphone. The Russo brothers therefore want Avengers 4 to be a secret for a while.
Is it really important to see the Avengers 4 trailer? In fact, Avengers 4, Avengers: Infinity War will be a continuation of. Therefore, Avengers: Infinity War with a lot of spoilers may be called a fragment of Avengers 4. For this reason, the Avengers 4 trailer will not contain much surprise information, with the exception of the few choreographies and main role events.
However, the appearance of the name of the film will give very important information about the film. Among the films of the past, the first film, The Avengers, was about team rallying and wrestling for the first time. The Avengers: Age of Ultron reflected the fight of the team against artificial intelligence. Avengers: Infinity War, the struggles of the Thanos team and Avengers for eternity have been passed.
Avengers 4 marks the end of the 11-year Marvel Cinematic Universe adventure, which begins with Iron Man 1. The predictions are that Captain America, Thor and Iron Man will die as essential essentials for the Avengers. The title of the Avengers 4 will indicate that the characters will not really die. As a result, the title or title of the film is much more important than the fragmentation of the film.
Kaynak : https://bgr.com/2018/11/29/avengers-4-first-trailer-and-title-not-revealed-at-infinity-war-show/
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