The disc is broken! Net income of $ 2.5 billion


According to Amazon, the company's net profit was $ 2.5 billion in the second quarter of this year, while the corresponding amount was recorded as the highest net profit in a quarter of the year. 39, history of the company.

more than $ 1 billion during the quarter.

In the second quarter of last year, the company realized a profit of $ 0.40 per share, while the corresponding amount reached $ 5.07 during the same period of time. year.

Amazon achieved a net profit of 197 Revenues of $ 37.95 billion in April-June 2017, compared to $ 52.89 billion in revenue at the same time this year.

After achieving record net income in the second quarter of this year,

According to the New York Stock Exchange, after the closing of the New York Stock Exchange, the company's stock has soared to 4% to reach $ 1,881 per share

Experts predict that the real recovery of Amazon shares is expected tomorrow, the market value of the company exceeded $ 900 billion, the world's largest market (f.fbq) return, n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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