The euro is harder now


19.07.2018 11:30

Last Revision: 19.07.2018 12:13

The European Union, which wants to take the euro, is now in a more difficult situation for the European Union.

The euro area explodes in the area of ​​enlargement,

while the Bulgarian, which demands a common currency, is given by the European Union.

With the Greek crisis, many analyzes of the lack of coexistence of different economic structures and countries in the common currency have been made and the euro has been for life since that day.

Bloomberg reports that the euro zone is now more cautious in terms of expansion.

The member of the European Union who wants to spend the euro is now in harder conditions for European countries.

Although Bulgaria, which wants to switch to a common currency, is awarded by the European Union, Bulgaria has been accepted as being more stringent than previous countries with the euro.

Eurozone finance ministers also explained that these new conditions apply to Croatia and Romania.

Bulgaria, which fulfilled the official conditions for passing the euro, hoped to take the summer waiting list.

However, the Greek debt crisis of the Euro Region does not want to take any risk after money laundering scandals in countries like Latvia

For this reason, Bulgaria has enjoyed conditions such as the euro area banking union and the fight against corruption and corruption.

Bulgaria and Romania have not yet been included in the countries of the Schengen region for reasons such as corruption and are in candidate status.

Another unavoidable source of wealth inequality between Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia, which is in a very bad situation compared to the rich countries of the Union

[19659004] While the Euro Union called for a lasting solution from Bulgaria in this regard, such clarity has not been introduced for the Baltic countries.





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