The Helsinki Summit may be the turning point of Trump's presidency


US President Hudson – US President Donald Trump has managed to unite Republicans and Democrats for the first time since his appointment. In a statement at the end of a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Trump said that Russia had heard Russian intervention in US elections in 2016, the director of US intelligence, Dan Coats, and that he had opened Putin to refute these accusations. Trump added that he had no reason to believe him to intervene in Russia.

On Twitter, "Republican Patriots, Where Are You?" According to former CIA President John Brennan, who made the call, holding a foreign leader in front of US citizens, treason the homeland.

The reaction of the Republicans has not been delayed either. The Fox News channel aggressively attacked Trump all day after the Helsinki accounts for the first time in recent years.

From Fox News to Congress and right-wing media sites, Republicans are friends with Putin Trump.

From Fox News to Congress and right-wing media sites, Republicans are friends with Trump's Putin. was in unison against the meeting. Representative of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan expressed that US intelligence has already detected a Russian intervention. Ryan, "The President should know that Russia is not friendly."

Senator Bob Corker, Chair of the Senate Committee on External Relations, said that "Putin understands only the language of power." Corker accuses Trump of giving America a weak country, a child-friendly image.

At that time, Coats responded to Trump's words by making a statement.

The pro-racial critic Trump

with Air Force One (19659002), US intelligence agencies said that there was a consensus on the Russian intervention in the 2016 elections and that the US services offered objective and perfect reports to protect US national security. On the way back, President Trump should have watched the infamous television that formed. That's why, on Twitter, he shared his confidence in US intelligence agencies, but this time the United States and Russia, both of which are nuclear powers, shared the idea of To forget the past and to hear well. This explanation has not helped to contain the storm that has risen against it. By taking sides with Putin against his own intelligence agencies, Trump focused his attention on the various directions he took, including the two countries' nuclear weapons and foreign affairs, including Ukraine, the United States. Iran and Syria.

He was not in the mood to comment on how he had negotiated with Putin. With the summit, Trump reaffirmed American suspicions that Brennan was saying "Putin is in his pocket."

Even radical and influential right-wing websites such as Drudge Report refer to hell and are short of Helsinki

There is no point in analyzing what the two leaders said privately or openly with the confirmation of the impression that "Trump was in Putin's pocket".

Trump has fulfilled all Putin's orders by believing in Putin in the US secret service and refusing to sell weapons to Ukraine, although Trump begs US allies to buy more weapons. weapons to occupy US factories and employees

. first explain what the Russian authorities want repeatedly in Syria Putin stressed that with Europe and China, Trump would continue to be party to the nuclear deal announced on May 8 .

Iranian Negotiations

White House officials have repeatedly expressed that Trump was ready to negotiate with Putin over Iran. According to him, Trump is ready to meet all the requirements of Moscow until the sanctions against Russia are withdrawn from the recognition by Russia of the annexation of Crimea and its presence in Syria in exchange its support to the Tehran headquarters. Trump also demands that the Iranian militia be removed from Syria.

Washington skeptics argue that Putin is not justified in joining the United States against Iran because the US president has already given everything Moscow has demanded.

Although Congress ratified new sanctions against Russia with Republican and Democrat votes, Trump tried to veto it. Although Trump tried to show that his meeting with Putin was not as important as that of Reagan and Gorbachev in 1986, it was a kind of debt to pay to Putin because of the summit, even though He did not seem to be able to veto the regime. revealed the truth. Instead of giving up Russia to interfere with the US elections, Trump tried to justify the Moscow administration.

Trump's meeting with Putin in Helsinki is more than a historic milestone, and Trump's personality is much more than a historic turning point.

Translators: Emre Aytekin, Zehra Ulucak, Gamze Turkoglu Oguz

[Bir dönem Chatham House’da misafir araştırmacı olarak görev yapan ve şu an Washington’da ikamet eden gazeteci Hüseyin Abdül-Hüseyin, Arap medyasının yanı sıra New York Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, USA Today gibi gazetelere makaleler yazmakta, CNN ve BBC gibi televizyon kanallarında Ortadoğu analizleri yapmaktadır]

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