The wall collapsed because of the collapse of the wall and Gülden Dudarık's brother escaped from the wall for days
The incident took place in the district of Besiktas Turkali last week. According to the information obtained, the wall of Dudarık's house was destroyed because of the concrete that was poured during the construction work, next to the house where the player Gülden Dudarık was sitting. Due to the collapse of the wall, the concrete was filled in the room. Due to the collapse of walls and concrete, some products have become unusable. At that time, his brother Mehmet Dudarık, who was in the room, escaped for a second after being under the wall. Dudarik immediately reported the situation to the police and municipal teams. The building authorities immediately closed the concrete filled in the room, and the broken walls were closed with wooden planks.
"I don & # 39; have not spent seven days" [GüldenDudarıkquim'aditqu'ilsnepouvaientpasobtenirderésultatspendantunesemaine"Ilsdoiventrestericinormalementpendantlestravauxdeconstructionmaisilsnes'écrasentpasParconséquentlesinondationsneportentpaslemurdecimentparcequetoutelachargedonnelemurNotremursedéverseaussicommedelamoisissureettoutlecimentserépanddanslapièceTouslesbienssontnuisiblesHabituellementlamunicipalitédeBeşiktaşdoitvenirdubâtimentsuperviserlebâtimentettenirunregistreDemainsera7jours7joursjenesuispaspartiiln'yatoujourspasdeminutesJ'aitrouvéunepoursuitecriminelleL'accusationviendraetenquêteraD'abordvousdevezgarderunregistredel'inspectionofbuildingandthatthismustbestilltreatedintheprocessitisalwaysreparationsarenotcarriedoutTheyhavenotintendedtoexecutethedamagetothepropertyItcontinuetosaysomethingnotthesecondday?Noreparations?
The actor Gülden Dudarik said: "After the event, there was no one among the owners of the building. Until I find the municipal court. The next day came, the construction stopped. They call me on it. After that, they disappear again. We are waiting, victory, a lot of damage. My brother escaped for a second. There is a work desk in the opposite. My brother gets up, the wall falls and the bed stuck to the wall. Work table pert. My brother could also lie. But this situation does not bother anyone "phrases.
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