The largest companies in Turkey


Turkish Petroleum Refineries (TPRA) rank first in the Fortune 500, with the top 500 Turkish companies listed, with net sales of 53.9 billion lire.

Financial institutions and holding companies include Fortune 500 Turkey

Fortune 500 Turkey, which includes the manufacturing, trade, services and construction sectors in Turkey, was launched this year with CRIF and his brother and sister Dun & Bradstreet Turkey, as has been the case in the last decade.

Cneyt Toros, director of the Fortune Turkey editions, informed viewers that their total business turnover had grown by 29.4% in terms of business turnover and added, "For the first time in history, we have reached 1 trillion. We also saw on the Fortune 500 list a parallel increase in revenue in the first half of 2007. The previous year's business turnover increased by 9.4% and that of the previous year's business. 39, previous year 7.5%. We saw at Fortune n was a high annual rate.

Taurus notes that the number of commercial sectors in the Fortune 500 is 27.3 and that of the service sector is 36.5 per cent.

Taurus notes the shrinking of the naat sector in the sector, from # 2016 here,

Just after the TPRA, Energy Market Letter A (EPA) announced that 41.1 billion lire

– The top 10 companies in the sector are oil and gas. energy

Sonulara gre, the total number of 500 listed companies increased by 29.42% to 1 trillion 204 billion lire.

The net business figure of the company, which figures in the 500th list, raises to 421 million lire Fortune 500 Turkey's net profits rose 52.28% to 64 billion 792 million lire.

business operating costs increased by 34.07% to 95 billion 513 million lire while financial expenditure increased by 22.53% to 61 billion 656 million C & was read it. Total exports of Turkey's largest companies also increased by 29.80 percent to 286 billion pounds 543 million.

The 376 Fortune 500 companies exported 124 of the company's total exports from the country

Looking at the top exporting company with the highest exports, 34 billion lire in 2017 [19659002] Tofa in the drdnc of 11 drvnc, while Ford Otomotiv exports 17.8 billion lire, while Turkish Airlines (THY) maintains the first place as it was in the shipyards,

– Fortune 500 Turkey May Enter Second List on US List

The Central Bank uses an average US $ 3.64 exchange rate for the US dollar. 2017 Fortune 500 Turkey's total sales reach $ 330.3 billion.

This list, Fortune 500, may be the second in the list of the 500 largest US companies. Walmart's net sales in the first round of the US list rose to $ 500.3 billion.

– 93 new companies arrived

The assets of the 500 companies increased by 16.4% to 1 221 billion compared to the same period last year. The resources of the lira and z are up 7.5% to 435.3 billion lire. The total number of companies on the list is 1 billion pounds.

While the number of businesses with a turnover of more than 10 billion pounds was 20, it was 23 this year. This year, 93 new companies came to the list. The list includes 261 productions, 128 shops, 88 services, 23 construction companies. Forty-five companies reported a total loss of 2.5% to 1 million 144 thousand 945.

On a sectoral basis, employment in the manufacturing and construction sectors was 6.01 and 29.74. 21.28% in the services sector and 15.53% in the commercial sector.

The top ten companies in the market are listed companies from 101 to 19459006

1-TPRA: 53 billion 948 million 110 thousand TL

Markets 2-Energy Letme A : 41 billion 168 million 719 thousand TL

3-Petrol Ofisi: 40 billion 847 million 704 thousand TL

4-Turkish Airlines: TL 39 billion 779 million

5-BOTA: 33 billion 470 million 283 thousand TL

6-OPET: 28 billion 391 million 84 thousand TL

7-Ford Automotive: 25 billion 341 million 290 thousand TL

8-BM: 24 billion 779 million 408 thousand TL B, e, v, n, t, s

9-Arelik: 20 billion 840 million 613,000 TL

10-Shell & Turcas Oil: 19 billion 567 million 578,000 TL) {
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