The noteişecam credit note confirmed by Fitch


International Rating Agency Fitch Ratings, Turkey Bottle and Glass Factory AŞ (Sisecam) long-term credit rating in foreign currency 'BB +' has been claimed that.

the company in a statement, Fitch Ratings, Sisecam & # 39; In the explanations, all basic areas of glass such as flat glass, glassware, glass and fiberglass packaging and soda and chromium compounds are indicated in the long-term credit note in currency. foreign.

In his report, it was stated that the firm's strong financial structure, its high profitability and its ability to generate cash through its activities spread over different geographical areas were noted by Şişecam, one of of the world's leading players. besides the product line Raporda also said that the share of international sales in the total business turnover accounts for about 60% of the total business turnover and that 'sectors with different dynamics like construction, l & # 39; 39, automobile, food, beverages, consumer goods and chemicals

The chairman of the board of directors of the group Şişecam, whose explanations are mentioned in the explanations, and the vice-chairman of the board of the Şişecam group, Director General Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kırman said that they operate in four business sectors, flat glass, glassware, glass packaging and chemicals. Şişecam is today a global player with production activities spread over 3 continents, 13 countries, nearly 22 employees and more than 150 countries. The final evaluation of Fitch Ratings once again confirms the solidity of Şişecam's production, its effective position in the markets it operates and its exemplary financial structure. We continue to create value for all our stakeholders in the direction of sustainable profitable growth and operational excellence. "


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