While the number of investors in a stock portfolio greater than TL 1 million at Borsa Istanbul decreased by 684 in October, the increase in the total number of investors was remarkable, despite the losses suffered by the portfolio. .
According to data collected by the AA correspondent at the Central Registry Registration Agency, the number of investors from a portfolio greater than 1 million TL in Borsa Istanbul fell by 684 in October.
In September, the number of millionaires, 6 000 378 people, fell to 5 000 694 in October, while the number of natural persons investors in the domestic market increased by 12 000 684 people. While the number of domestic natural investors in Borsa Istanbul increased to 1 million 170,000 537 in October, it should be noted that the increase only affected investors with a portfolio of 50,000 lire or less.
In October, the number of investors with a portfolio of £ 50,000 increased by 19,000,652 while the number of investors with a portfolio greater than £ 50,000 decreased by 6,000,968 compared to last month.
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While only 15% of Borsa Istanbul's total investors were under 35 and 85% over 35, the number of investors under 25 was higher. In mid-October, the number of investors increased by 6,793 in October from the previous month to 176,950, while the number of investors aged over 35 increased by 5,000,891. to reach 993 000 587.
The total size of the portfolio of the investor in domestic real shares in Borsa Istanbul decreased by 8% to 61 billion, or 248 million lire, due to the loss of shares in October. The largest loss was suffered by the portfolio of investors in Istanbul. While the portfolio of domestic investors registered at Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) accounted for 51% of the total portfolio of real people with a portfolio of TL 30 billion 739 million, the investor ratio of Ankara on this portfolio was 12%. Total investment by investors in Ankara declined by 562 million pounds in October to 7,443 million pounds.
The number of real foreign investors increased by 69 in October to 6,514. The size of the portfolio was limited to 1 billion 97 million pounds.
The total portfolio size of legal entities and foreign funds decreased by £ 19.1 trillion in October from the previous month to £ 178.8 trillion. The total size of the portfolio of legal entities and national funds amounted to 47 billion 174 million Turkish Lira at the end of the month of October.
According to analysts, stock markets traded on stock markets recall an average of 9.8% of the impairment loss, the main determinants of the decline in the portfolio, and part of the portfolio has led to an increase in deposit rates. .
In addition to rising interest rates, deposit-fee regulations have made attractive medium- and long-term deposits, which may have accelerated the transition to deposits, according to the same analyst. the stagnation of the public offer market limited participation in the equity market.
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