The outlook for crime has been found: Second Culinary Bank


The group claiming to be a victim was brought before the Bakırköy Court of Justice after being found guilty of the crime. In the hands of the family, the pankars were opened in the form of "Cheating Attention", "Yalova Bank Second Vision Bank" and "Victim, we are here." In the petition presented to the prosecution, the periodical properties were sold on May 15, 2015 in Yalova- Armutlu and Esenköy. it was alleged that the sale of the property was continuing and that 25 people were part of the company officials and that they had committed a crime on the basis of "qualified fraud".


Ersin İşçioğlu, who made a statement on behalf of the group and said that he is one of the victims, asserted that a total of 2,500,500 victims and 20 million TL were marked. İşçioğlu explains in detail how the sale of the property of the time is, "Although the project has not been in any way for years, life is not over.

İşçioğlu said the authorities empowered to sign did not meet with the victims, saying that "the unimaginable and the unknown," said the victims, "the victims are going to these centers and are asking for information about the subject. (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) n.callmethod?
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