The post-operative world of Cubra, 3 years old,


After the birth of Saadet Kubra, the youngest of five children of the Huseyin – Sunay Twin couple residing in the Tayfur Sökmen district of Reyhanlı County, a cataract diagnosis was made. Cuba is still 16 months O.O. Lenticular cataract surgery was performed by. Then again, Dr. O. Ö A small operation of Saadet was performed again to wear the lens at the age of 3 years. One day after leaving the hospital, the family returned to the hospital when an infection developed in Cubra's eye. However, the eyes of Saadet Kubra Ikiz were not saved despite the intervention made

  The post-Cuban operation world was confused at the age of 3 years [19659003] class = "(19459003) Mother Sunay Twin who was fighting cancer, they had spent some time. The twin had a cataract operation at the age of two and was told to wear a lens at the age of 3 years. She wanted to remove it the same day after returning the lens to the hospital and we admitted that she did not accept the fever. After we dropped off at the hospital, we went out of the hospital the next day after lunch, the girl could not take off her pillow, she could not eat her food.We woke up in the morning and we went to the doctor.But we brought her back to the hospital. "He immediately sent us to the MKÜ research hospital, he did not want to treat our daughter." The girl's eyes were gone, "the doctor from the research hospital went we look at Gaziantep. & # 39; The girl's eyes are burned and ruined, nothing to be done back g He sent us back to the investigative hospital, but we slept there for 20 days, but they were not there. could not save the sight of my daughter. Magazine, my daughter is a victim, I am a victim. </p>
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  The postoperative world of Kubra, aged 3, was blacklisted

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OO, who performed the surgery, argued that he had done all that had to be done medically, he said:

"It was a very successful and clean operation. He left in a very good state of here. A day later, I came across a white and inflamed eye when they arrived. In the literature, endophthalmitis has developed in one. Two other cataract surgeries were performed that day in our hospital and there is no problem and no breeding in cultivated crops reduces the likelihood of hospital infection. I've done more than 10,000 eye surgeries up here. As a person, I am really sorry that this incident happened at this stage. However, I think that the necessary hygiene is not ensured at home, and that the child has germs. The incident is reflected in the judicial system.

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