The red planet Mars is getting closer to Earth! A first after 15 years …


Mars will be closest to the Earth after 15 years.

The red planet will be 57.6 kilometers closer to the Earth on July 31, 2018.

Before this date, Mars, approaching the Earth from July 27 to 30, will be observed in the sky the way the clearest. 19659004] Looking from Earth, Mars will reach the highest position at midnight.

In the solar system Mars, the planet closest to the Sun after Earth, is 230 million kilometers from the Sun.

For Earth and Mars to arrive at their nearest position, the nearest Mars position to the Sun must coincide with the position of the Earth furthest from the Sun.

Mars was closest to Earth in 2003, nearly 60,000 years after the last rapprochement. For the next meeting, you will not have to wait so long.

Why was MARS named Red Planet?

Latin Mars or Arab Merih is the fourth planet in the solar system of the Sun, the next planet will be October 6, 2020. The god of war in Roman mythology was named after March. It is also called the red planet because it has a reddish appearance due to its widespread feroxides.

Mars with a fine atmosphere is a planet similar to meteor craters as in the Moon, as well as volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar regions. In addition, the rotation period and the seasons are very similar to those of the Earth.

Mountain called Olympus Mons on Mars The highest known mountain in the solar system and the canyon called Valley Marineris (Valles Marineris) is the largest reservoir. Also, as announced in three articles published in Nature magazine in June 2008, in length and 8.500 km. the presence of a giant meteorite crater has been discovered. This crater is four times larger than the largest meteoric crater to date (the Atkien Basin at the South Pole of the Moon).

Mars is the most likely planet of liquid water and life in the planets of the solar system. . The Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter projects have shown that there is a large amount of water ice in the middle regions (November 2008), both in the Polar Regions (July 2005) and in the Middle East. central regions (November 2008). On July 31, 2008, a robotic spacecraft called Phoenix Mars Lander began sampling samples of water from the shallow areas of Mars

Mars today houses three spaceships in orbit: Mars Odyssey, Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Mars, with the exception of Earth, is not any ordinary planet in the solar system. The surface was hosted by many space vehicles. Geological data obtained by these spacecraft revealed that Mars had a wide variety of water boundaries; Even during the last decade, the type of water the geyser gushes or drifts into the water. NASA's Mars Global Surveyor project revealed that the ice zone of the south pole of Mars has been removed. Scientists have reported that salt water currents have formed on Mars for some time, following the March Orbiter Orbiter (Mars Orbiter Inspector) in orbit March 2006.

Phobos, discovered by Astronomer Mars Asaph Hall in 1877, There are two small cubes of irregular shape called Deimos. Mars can be seen from the Earth to the naked eye. The "visible power" reaches -2.9, which is often brighter than Jupiter Mars at the naked eye, but only with a brilliance that can be overcome with Venus, Moon and Sun.

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