The risk of Alzheimer's is higher among women with many children


It has been determined that women with five or more children can increase the risk of Alzheimer's by 70 percent.

According to AA's report, A survey of more than 3,500 women aged 60 and over in South Korea and Greece showed that women aged 5 or older may increase the likelihood of developing disease. Alzheimer's 70%.

In the study, 5 or more

In women aged 71 years on average, one or two uncompleted pregnancies indicated that the risk of Alzheimer's was much lower than in non-pregnant women

Women with more children have lower cognitive tests than those with less than 5 children [KiWoongKimneuropsychiatreattheNationalUniversityofSeoulreportedwiththeonsetofAlzheimer'sdiseasemaybecausedbyestrogenichormonesandstressesthatincreasesteadilyandadverselyaffectthebrain

According to the World Report on the Alzheimer's disease of 2016, there are 47 million people with dementia in the world.


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