The duo, who united their lives about six years ago, took their first children in their arms in 2013.
With the success of the show & # 39; & # 39; Güldür Güldür ", the couple who is known by much of the show, Alain Kontante, The county counts days to have his second baby on his lap. Aylin Kontente, under the photographs they took together in a case they had attended, said, "Yes, sir, we will have a son."
Aylin Kontente, who was born on June 30, 1982 in İzmir, graduated from the Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Communication, Interim Department 2003.

Adopted by the work of Mahinur Ergun and produced by Abdullah Oguz, "Campusistan", adapted from the work of Mahinur Ergun and produced by Abdullah Oguz, has participated in various studies since the beginning. year of graduation and Ferhan Şensoy studied at the workshop. he came into life acting with his knee. In 2012, Kontente was found in the series' ###; Eighties & # 39; and & # 39; & # 39; People Alemi & # 39 ;. She also starred in the TV show "Güldür Güldür". The scenario of Alper Kul and Ali Kobanbay, & # 39; & # 39; Olur Olur & # 39; appeared in the film.

Aylin Kontente was married to his own actress Alper Kul, who on December 18, 2012, appeared in numerous productions.

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