The surgeon relieves 'hijamat' disease & # 39;


The Couple Therapy that emerged in the Middle East and is now spreading throughout the world, including Western countries and known as "hijamat" was made by people . containing blood to throw bulging small cuts to specific regions, has seen the interest of people all the time in Turkey.

With the project "Traditional and Complementary Medical Applications" which was adopted by the Ministry of Health, the aim was to suppress the hovering at the bottom of the stairs and to do so in a more decent and hygienic environment by the doctors.

In Adana, Vedat Kürkçü, a general surgeon for 16 years and having obtained permission to embezzle by completing the course inaugurated by the ministry two years ago, was used in hospitals or clinics responding under the conditions of the surgeons,

Kürkçü said that he was focusing on the subject as a doctor and surgeon believing that he should do this as a micro-surgical procedure as a method of application of the hijam to the corresponding AA. "

As a person who worked as a person, I like to say," What happens to this, what kind of thing? I've seen clinics on Internet in the United Kingdom and the US It is not at this time that the Ministry of Health has already taken the legal framework, but we want to see him as a doctor, at least to be curious. "

During his research, Kürkçü pointed out that he had attended a meeting on special education with the presence of doctors and people working in a hotel in Ankara, and that theoretical and practical training had been given to the meeting and that he had been mistreated.

Kürkçü, who said he continued his normal life after training and treatment, said:

"At that time there was numbness in the back, especially in the right cervix. After becoming a subject, I went back to work, the numbness in the collar was slightly reduced, and there was a slight decrease in pain.I said we should do another session after a few Then I realized that the disagreements in this colony had completely disappeared, and I thought I should do it about it.

"This is not a magic wand"

Industrial engineer who was hijacked because of his illness, Ufuk Emre Şahin, 35.

Sahin pointed out that he did not consider the volume as a "magic wand", but "I feel that my body is more vigorous, I feel a little more fit, I feel a little more relaxed l e morning I noticed a reduction in my complaints. I want to take the habit of accepting it in a certain period. "

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