Bahçeli, leader of the MHP, may regret the lack of ideas and ideals that have left our Kurdish brothers and sisters in the PKK, qualifying the HDP as a "Kurdish political movement" for the poor saying "j & rsquo; I have too prolonged the debate of Apolet ". there is no remorse, "he said. MHP President Devlet Bahçeli held a press conference at the party's headquarters to assess the political and strategic developments of the process following the presidential and legislative elections on June 24. Garden, "Turkey, the history of the Republic has successfully completed one of the most important elections on June 24. Have made the choice of the Turkish nation showed the will. June 24 elections democratic maturity, was carried out with high participation, he remained ultimately behind. Over the next five years, 2023 the fight to catch will be staged in every aspect. as a result, Turkey's presidential government provided the officially transitioning system and the first president of the new system was chosen. However 27th Parliament period has concentration and manifested by a 600 member. Our beloved nation in these conditions has almost a lesson of democracy in the world We are proud of that. We have seen and understood that scandalous campaigns systematically interrupted by internal and external pollution have been wasted. The activities of the sixth fictional arm in our country are the games of perception, and the threads are scattered as expected and this table is really a pity for us all. Those who test the historical and democratic power of the Turkish nation have fallen ill and suffered the frustration they deserve by being defeated. Focus on this account on Turkey once again met disastrous defeat gave the national awakening of hope, gave the national rebirth of peace, so that shone in the horizon of the sparkling future, "he says.
"TURKISH NATION three growing QU & # 39; DO left Droopy, NOR embarrassed HAS" [19659002SauvantlesdilemmessystématiquesdelanationturqueBahçeliadéclaré"SansellesanseffusiondesangintransigeanteetdérangeantelatroisièmephasedelaRépubliqueaététransmiseavecpatiencecalmeetcompréhensionprofondeàvenirdel'âgedémocratiquedelaTurquieaunefoisdeplusprouvéIlaparlélaparoledenotresaintenationalitéetafaitunbruitavecsonattitudeetsonattitude24juinToutlemondedansl'électiongénéraleduPrésidentetdesdéputéschaquepartieadonnédesmessagesséparésquidevraientêtretraitésséparémentCesmessagesdevraientêtresoigneusementexaminésetméticuleusementexaminésLePartiduMouvementNationalisteaémergédu24juinavecunsouriresurlefrontunefoliedelanationLeConseilsuprêmedesélectionsaannoncélesrésultatsdéfinitifsdesélectionsdu24juin2018Notrepartiaatteintuntauxde1110%avec5millions565mille331voixdelamèrepatriedanscecontexte49députésontl'opportunitéd'êtrereprésentésauParlementCerésultatestunaccomplissementquiseraadmirélorsquelesétapesdifficilesquenoustraversonssontprisesencompteetquandilestprisenconsidérationnousavonsvraimentdusuccèsIlsavaientécritlaclôturedenotrefailliteavantle24juinIlsavaientfaituneannoncedevotreachèvementavantle24juinAvantle24juinilsétaientbieninformésdeleurextinctionNousdisons'Allahacinqchoses'noussommessûrsdelanationaliténouscroyonsnoscompatriotesNousavonsdit:'ILN'yapasdevainqueurendehorsd'God'noussommesrésistésparnotrespiritualitéNousnoussommeslevésmalgrélacalomniedecalomnierledivorcenousn'avonsjamaisreculé"Sivouscroyeznoussommesabsolumentsupérieurs"nousavonsmontréunedévotionetunefidélitétotalesaucommandementdivin"S'ilyalafoiilyaunepossibilité"adéclarélesiègeetnoussommessortisdespuitsEtnoussavionsquelatrahisonneseraitpascapabledevaincrelafoiQuandnousavionsfininousétionsconscientsetconscientsquelanationturqueneseraitpascapabledetenirdesmétiersàtisseretdel'équipementsansmontrertoutelavolontéNousavionslaréputationdel'histoireturqueNospèresetinspirationsdenosancêtresétaientdansnoscoeursBiensûrnosprièrespournosmartyrsétaientavecnousLePartidumouvementnationalistetoutcommeAnkaKushuaétéréincarnéparsescendresagagnél'admirationdetousceuxquisontànouveauneutresparlaluttenationalisteetlaluttenationalisteLanationturqueleTroisCroissantn'abandonnaitnin'embarrassaitEnfaitlaforceaatteintdansunmomentdesuccèslaforcedémontréeauxdifficultésleconservatismediscretdel'attaquemassiveetintensémentattaquée"Le24juinBahceliasoulignéquelePartiduMouvementnationalistearemportéungrandsuccèsNousnepouvonspasdormiraveccequenousavonsnousnepouvonspasavoirletempsNousnepouvonspascomptercheznousnousnepouvonspasnousréfugierdanslasimplicitéNousvoulonsplusnousvisonsàacheterplusNousallonslecomplétersinousavonsmoinsnousleferonssinoussommesouvertsSansnousoubliersanscassernosracinessanslaissernotreidentitépoussernospaysàlalimitenousallonstravaillerdetoutesnosforcespouraugmenterlesoutienexistantdelavolonténationaleetl'amenerauniveauquenousdésironsHiernousétionsexpérimentésnousavonsobtenulesrésultatsnécessairesC'estuneopportunitéaujourd'huinousavonsluttépourl'attraperDemainnousleferonsavecraisonpatienceetfoipourquecelaseréalisepourtenirpourobtenirnosdroitsPartiNationalisteMouvementfiertédeturcitéconfianceensoidelaTurquiel'estimedesoietunecivilisationspécialeturco-islamiqueNotreavocataétéharceléparlaprièreladignitéetlesbutsabattusparlessacrificesdenotregentilhérosÀcetégardleMouvementnationalistenesaisitjamaismaisjamaisdesquestionnairesetdesenquêtespubliquesinévitablesetimprévisiblesJuin24jevousremercieencoreunefoismescherscitoyensquenosvotesduparti"didildit
" KNOWN get THAN JUNE 24, won Turkey "
" unknown to you, June 24, won Turkey "said Garden," The Turkish nation won. Our democracy is scribbled there. The desired national and national position has been won. He has won the spirit of solidarity and unity that we want to falsify. We are the time of sacrifice and our historical rights have won. They lost their oppression, treason was overthrown, those who committed corruption, those who lost imperialism borrowed a loss. If no one remembers, the owner of the will is the same at the same time. The decision maker is also the owner of the word at the same time. Willpower, decision and holds sovereignty forever who said that it is the great Turkish nation "he said.
" Each of our friends has completed its final preparations with extraordinary dedication to actively participate in legislative activities in order to gain the balance and the duty of supervision that our nationality has given us.The Nationalist Movement Party will fulfill and perfectly express its mission.Our legislative activities will make so that the promises made in the Electoral Declaration are respected and our responsibility to supervise the execution is ensured by intensive work.We have forgotten any of the promises we have made, we do not have We have not given our commitments in vain, we have not disappointed those who have hoped for us, and we will not disappoint After that, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who is sincerely and strongly supported by the presidential nomination, vowed as the first president of the new system on July 9, 2018 taking the game of our 26 million 330,000,823 citizens. On the same day, the first Council of Ministers of the presidential system was announced by the President himself. A day later, on July 10, 2018, government officials officially began their duties by swearing at TGNA. Meanwhile, Binali Yıldırım, whose party is openly and unconditionally supported, was elected in the third round as the 28th president of the Grand National Assembly on July 12, 2018. The new government held its first meeting yesterday. Parliament's parliamentary committee will be formed next Monday. Presidential Decisions published in the Official Journal on July 10, 2018, which define the limits and content of the presidential system of government, clarify the clarity of its nature and implementation, and the first presidential decree and some of the following, as well as d & # 39; others. According to the Republic of Turkey, in accordance with the nature of the new system has entered the process of reform from head to toe, he began to derive from his historical identity to experience radical changes. The Prime Minister's Office is now finished. The number of ministries has increased from 25 to 16. As President of the Organization, 9 councils and 4 offices affiliated to the President have been created. The conscientious objection testifies to the development of a new system of institutions and rules. A decision was made to make decisions quickly and quickly. Homes that can not digest it are looking for new fluctuations in the economy, currency deviations and interests. But they will not succeed, they will not abandon the Turkish nation. and the market volatility breakout game without concessions from the power of Turkey will not be enough. the management of the state of laçkalık, awkwardness of, before us a process of disposing of instability and disruption. "
Presidential system of government deviation from the historical direction of Turkey On the contrary, on the contrary , with the confirmation of this leadership, Bahçeli said: "The Republic is connected to the strongest and firmest foundations with the new system, keeping in mind the determination and the search for reaching the blessed targets. Uncertainties in the life of the state are over and the provision of frontline and unsuccessful conquest has passed. The "regime is gone, the only man is gone" saying that irresponsible and unconscious circles will not hold the fear of fear, the crisis rituals, the anticipations of chaos will not give results. Presidential system of government civilizations and nations fighting in strategic assets of Turkey, security walls, and powerful spirit. The mind is strong, the body is like steel. This intact spirit, without being lost, if the current state of the organization as being essentially concessions to the bubbling river does not pass without giving future outbreaks before Turkey will result in a thin . The new system is ingenuity and the reward of the national will. The Presidential Alliance will win the majority in the GANT and set the course for the new system. The covenant declared with the constitutional nation will be carefully protected.
Bahceli stated that the parliamentary system had been left behind by his fault and stated that "the system of the presidential government is a system based on the spirit of the Turkish nation. , the president of the alliance has come to the center of the conscience.We will bring all our support as a party to the settlement of this new system with all the institutions and rules.The Party of the nationalist movement will literally oblige the l & # 39; State to assume political, ethical and moral responsibility during the restructuring process.We will show our promise, share our proposals and show our willingness, if necessary, to ensure the stability and assurance of the project. State and bureaucratic life while fulfilling our duty of balance and supervision within the Grand National Assembly.I remembered, I have already said, we will not follow have remote developments. We will not watch the replacement club. We will not follow the tide of history, idleness and immobility of the state's re-architecture. We will not stop where we need to intervene. We will contemplate what our nationality is the goal and desire. Because we loved this country and this nation without waiting for money. We have never fallen into the political pawnshop position waiting for our love. We acted according to what was the glory and honor of being nationalistic.
Bahceli says: "We first called the country, we first called the nation, and with the honor of the judgment man, we have shaped our moral coherence in the light of the Turkish-Islamic centuries lived. "
"When we enter the Presidential Alliance, we planned a new system and did not negotiate while we were alive.Some of the smart hosts say that brains are part of the system. I would like to remind you of the simple fact that they have neglected their place: there is no price for the country, there is no market for Ülkülüğünü. We are at home or not.We are well aware that the calm that flows in our powerful vessels we need is hidden.We will not recognize any other private life.I would like to warn those who have deleted the memory, we can not say a word of regret, we do not regret the praise that we say.Know who knows us and who knows us knows.This may be a regret for the poor who say "I've over-extended the argument of "Apolet" in the name of "Kurdish political movement" of the HDP, has u name of the lack of ideals and ideals that put our Kurdish brothers in the language and defeated the PKK's hope. But we have no regrets. We are not alienated from my past, we are side by side with strangers. It's our nation. Turkey and Turkey, the center of gravity is where we are. The Nationalist Movement Party is not a fugitive fighter, not a fugitive. We do politics according to the interests of the country, we do it for the country, we do it for the nation, we do it well, we do it like a man. We are ready to be congratulated for the love of the homeland and the flag, and we are ready to serve them. Nobody can stand before a timely idea. The yeast dough does not stop on the boat. The boiler does not hold the lid. The curtain is not drawn in front of the sun born, it can not be drawn. The stone is heavy, but when the circumstances arise we are in all the responsibilities until the end, until the last we do our service with enthusiasm. Indeed, we do not walk on gravestones, as the late Cemil Meriç said. If we do not know the value of this nation, we can not find any asset or value. The attribution we assign is an invaluable measure in our opinion. the enlightenment of Turkey to ensure the future, to contribute to the formation of a new customary law and the constitution is our goal to institutionalize the proper management of all aspects of the system, it will be our effort in this direction. There is a generally accepted idea that the 2nd Constitutional Monarchy is the laboratory of your policy and it is not so wrong. The period of political and state life that began with the presidential system of government is the key to the next millennium. If this key is used correctly, no punishment and the traitor's breathing will be enough to dismantle the Turkish nation of the eternal homeland. If the new system, which I have symbolized as the Al-Bayrak system, is applied and established appropriately for the soul and texture, I believe that the chronic conflicts of the past and the anomalies that caused the crisis will never happen again. That's what the nation wants. Know that the oppressed million, the complacency and cultural geography of our expectations and aspirations devil değildir.türki have climbed into the past, took the dead land. "
" Feton Urea where Scholarships of the Environment Visible on the Climb, Reinforced Where Structure, Roof Where Keep Analyzes Necessary Depth "
Bahceli says that the Turkish nation is fighting for life and l & 39; existence for about a thousand years in a geographical area surrounded by fire. Those who wait in ambush to lead our own independence, Wicked and unscrupulous circles, which conspire to volatilize our national unity and fraternity, to vaporize our national identity and our historical rights, accumulate on the job. Their goal is to dry our source. The goal is to grill us. Their goal is to lead our sacrifice. What we need to do is rebuild our lost memories before, as expressed by the late Cemil Meriç: find answers to questions about who we are, what we are, how we are children of the child. 39; history. We will find that these responses will strengthen our self-defense spirit of service to the homeland and the nation and add strength and depth to our solidarity. The Turkish nation has paid the price of its existence countless times. The pages of the story are filled with evidence and documents. But on July 15, 2016, the horrors and brutality that we have experienced over the last two centuries are not like any persecution. On July 15, a kind of Kabakçı Mustafa rebellion or no one showed an exclusive rebellion of Patrona Khalil. On July 15, there was no rebellion of Jalali. On July 15, wrapped in religious shroud, stored in the service and cover Himmet, a terrorist organization issuing congregational crimes and murder cases were traitors to the occupation of Turkey. The FBI's betrayal is not enough for it, it will cause lasting damage to national and moral values. Systematically shaped by state institutions, NGOs and civil society organizations over time, FETÖ will not come out of national memory for centuries because of the devastation caused by the ravages caused by it. FETO, melanettir, is the garrison of the land of Iblis. Feton is shame, Turkey, Turkey, let alone hostility to Islam, the true shame of humanity, betrayal is kahpelig and sinner of human junction. Our Turkey; indirectly, indirectly; to seize by means of a bloody subcontractor turned into a soldier head, using recycled vandals. FETO, TSK, especially in eight areas of state and community life, the most sensitive positions and years of the year have collapsed and collapsed. It is clear that the FETÖ production environment, the climate of encouragement, the reinforced structure, the roof is necessarily analyzed longitudinally. No group or illegal training that embraces the state sincerely for political reasons should be tolerated and should not be allowed. The fight against FETO will not be done only through the judicial enforcement, periodic safeguards or security of administrative processes. It is essential that a strategic vision of the state develops, that a consciousness that sees beyond the horizon matures, that it is urgent, the basic necessity. The battle with FETO is actually a fight with Crusader's head, Crusader's head, which is walking heavily. This struggle has been going on for centuries.
Bahceli added:
"If we do not take the head in the right direction, we will not be able to get rid of quacks, Many more FETETS and their variants will be fought in the future, and on July 15 they will pass on a pond when they are unable to do it.The 15th of July is a milestone and the Turkish nation has been possessed of the blood of istiklaline, of life, of faith.The fact that those who live in this bloody night is not a repeat for our debtors and martyrs, the Turkish nation was in front of the tanks, passing the coup d'etat, defied the weapons that attacked the helicopters, fired warships, TBMM was humbly bombarded.It was the side of barbarism that was not even seen in the occupation years.They attacked the security and intelligence buildings and fired bullets at the presidential Kulliye They shot the innocents at home. Our brother fell martyrs. Our two thousand, 194 brothers became veterans. On July 15, the Turkish nation is attacked by one of them, which is worth a dollar for revenge. An invasion initiative from Pennsylvania has been commissioned. Thank God, the Turkish nation crashed while the snake's head was about to come out completely through the hole. The national conscience swayed intrepidly and stopped the irreproachable flow. With regard to the crime of engraving the roots of FETÖ; It is very important that leaders of ideas, opinion and action are caught and brought to justice, and that the atmosphere of their morality and motivation is dried up. The strategic Turkish state in the fight against FETO must be fully and fully implemented in a mental concept and be warned. Although the right of victims protected, the crime and must not be shown tolerate absolutely no criminals. "
" in front of fetö "c to say, the main fetö" cü forget the potential pitfalls and leads the crypto vessels should be avoided "Garden uses the expression" to achieve as far as the desired normalization of US relations with NATO if indeed provide sincere support to the struggle of the Turkey against terrorism, the United States and Europe in the treacherous way fetö "c of if Turkey" should be done. We are not laf, we practice. We pay attention to the measures taken, not to the wishes. July 15 until Turkey was not yet complete account, have mission of anxiety, involves stage risks. The danger of coups and tutelage has not completely disappeared. He still maintains the mystery of the political foot. Despite an honest and sincere struggle, the results are still achieved at the job level. Turkey should remove from the agenda both the plague and Feton completely ended the threat of the PKK, our future must be assured. It is precisely our state and civil support in this regard. Indeed, when the process is prolonged, the determined posture of the first day will be lost and the traitors will be able to wear different costumes and masks. This is disturbing. Bahceli recalled that the second anniversary of July 15 will be remembered tomorrow: "We will again account for this sinister night in the day of democracy and national unity of July 15. Whatever the necessary measures to avoid the new July 15, we will shake his arms to get it.It is the experience of the invasion and the invasion of Allah like this one The unity of the Turkish nation and the veteran hero and veteran of Allah never deteriorate.If we stand firm, if we are alive, how and what they attack, they can not To defeat our attacks, they can not abandon us If we die, we will recover.If the world does not die, everyone should know that it will not be consumed in the Oghuz generation.July 15, 251 martyrs who founded the throne in the national volunteers with their epic struggles, I wish Allah's mercy to our heroes who wrote history in the fight against terror. I wish the long and peaceful life of our veterans. "Bahceli said at the end of his speech," I wish the victory of Haci Bayram, the new suzer who received the spirit of the First Assembly, and the successes of Allah. I also condemn the deserted and rotten rental of media for damned and insulting Bosnian Muslims. "
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