This championship was heavy – Magazine News


The famous Olympic champion Naim Süleymanoğlu lost his life on November 18, 2017 when he was 50 years old. One request that was brought to the agenda after Süleymanoğlu's death was that he had had a child in relation to the Japanese journalist Kyoko Mori, whom the athlete had met during the Olympics from 1988 to Seoul. In fact, those who know Süleymanoğlu told him that he had recently tried to find a Japanese girl. Shortly after her death, Sekai Mori, Kyoko Mori's daughter, sued three sons of Süleymanoğlu's heirs and demanded that the DNA be compared to his father.

Bone sample taken

Büyükçekmece 4th court of the family fekk-j I decided to make the process serious. The tomb of Naim Süleymanoğlu in Edirnekapı was opened yesterday. It was learned that 3-4 specimens of teeth and bone taken from Suleymanoğlu's natrium were sent to the Institute of Forensic Medicine for comparison with the accused Sekai Mori and nasal culture samples. and oral of his mother

& # 39; Fekk-i Kabir & # 39;

Hülya Aksakal, a Sekai Mori lawyer who testified, "The truth will emerge after the judicial whistle.It is normal in cases of paternity, the grave fekk-i is done. Naim Bey's DNA at the hospital But the DNA is inadequate and now the grave opens.


Naim Süleymanoğlu Esin's Daughters and Sezym Suleymanoglu's lawyer, Aziz Demir, responded to the opening of the tomb said: "We see Naim's spiritual personality as a rape. After 27 years, the grave opens, following a lawsuit filed to recover the hereditary share. Objectives, material benefit. We do not want the grave to open. Dead bones will bite. If there was such a thing, he would have done this DNA test on his own. (19659008)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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