Beyza Nur Kahraman, 20, and Fatih Kahraman, a 20-year-old couple who went to Enez district of Edirne for a honeymoon in Istanbul, lost their last lives while motorcycles fell into the channel of water. – The village of Tekirdag was crowned by the Karaevli road. The couple Beyza Nur Kahraman and Fatih Kahraman, living together with the wedding in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul, on Sunday, June 24, traveled by motorbike to Enez, Edirne town, to spend their moon there. honey.
After informing the correspondents, the local health and gendarmerie teams were dispatched.
Fatih Kahraman's motorcycle lost control of the Karaevli road for a while, then it became uncontrollable. Incoming health teams determined that they had lost the couple's life with their helmets under their control. The inanimate bodies of Beyza Nur Kahraman and Fatih Kahraman were removed from the morgue of the Tekirdağ State Hospital with the order of the prosecutor.
It is stated that the investigation into the Jandarman accident is continuing.
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