This time Kılıçdaroğlu has passed the counterattack


Selçuk Böke ANKARA

After the defeat in the June elections, the extraordinary debates of the general assembly in the main opposition, where the waters are not resolved, continue. The party's presidential candidate, Muharrem İnce and his team are changing, while the general center opposes the demands for change. Muharrem İnce said that the day before on a television channel for an extraordinary congress, "I will sign and sign, but if people collect signatures, if the invitation comes, I am here.I know that the signature will be I'm not a delegate, but if I had to change, I would sign for the congress rally. "Following the statements, it is expected that the names of the close associates will officially begin the signing process the week next. While preparations were underway to gather a sufficient number of delegates' signatures in the thin front, a critical move came from the Kılıçdaroğlu team. Backstage, Kılıçdaroğlu &nun in the coming days, the president of the province of CHP in Ankara, pulse collection is talked about. Headquarters argues that intra-party talks are useless for a short period of local elections and believes that Ince should not be able to find the necessary signatures for the extraordinary general meeting, as delegates are in this opinion. In order to take the party to the extraordinary meeting, İnce and his team must sign about 634 considering the last congress.

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