TOK, Galatasaray, located near Metin Oktay facilities in Florya
and the new reconstruction of the land where military housing was found
plan. When the land is planned as a residential area
for education, park, recreation and mosque. Reconstruction of the Municipality of Bakrky
the plan for the benefit of the public
he asked.
News from Mehmet Demirkaya & nn in Florya enlikky & # 39; da old military
TOK has prepared new zoning plans for the field
It has been approved and approved by the ministry. Part of the land 3
housing will be built. A special school, park, leisure
and for the mosque. Air Force Military Housing Found 34
thousand square meters of land were transferred to TOC. Newly prepared
Zoning plans, will be suspended for a month to receive objections.
Plan the change for TOK assessment
According to the report of the zoning plan prepared by:
"Physical and gral adal salkl to form a state with the city
create spaces, improve the urban standard
urban development and population dynamics, local conditions and needs
in town, with the style of city, nfus in balance
functions of a branch of the
planning. "
Municipality of Bakrky and CHP Appeal TOK Zoning Plan Proposal
Find. TOK has prepared a plan in relation to the Bakrky report
The objection of the municipality was also included. Zetle of Appeal of the Municipality of Bakrky
"The plan does not conform to the plan change in the plan
and plan the nfus, disrupting the plan
There is an offer of artistic quality. These drinks
evaluate the subject of housing, trade etc. blgeye nfus
and, contrary to the decisions of the plan that are going
areas of the plan for the benefit of the public
the plan proposal must be prepared. "
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