Trump was installed on the company after the NSA announced that its phone database was being removed due to "technical malfunctions."
Donald Trump, who made a comment on his Twitter account and they deleted the message recording.A violation of privacy.It is a pretext for technical irregularities.It is such a disgrace.The witch hunt continues.
The NSA announced that it would remove all phone calls and text message records collected since 2015, in the event that some people would not be allowed to do so due to technical difficulties.
Among the records to be deleted are the United States 2016
The NSA is actively recording records in and out of the country to track foreign spying activities.
At the same time, the NSA reported that Russia, during the US presidential election, b, e, v, n, t (n) is a known intelligence agency that supports allegations according to which Trump operates in favor of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n .callmethod?
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