US President Donald Trump criticized the Fed's interest rate policy. "Trump will raise interest rates whenever there will be a resurgence of the economy and the stock market," Trump said, adding that rising interest rates and the stronger dollar worries the US economy and US competitiveness. they want. I'm not happy about that … but I'm allowing the Fed to do what it thinks is the best. "According to Reuters, Trump said," I don? not like rising interest rates after so many worked in the economy. "
Trump said that" the Chinese currency goes down as hard as a rock "Unlike its predecessors to the states Trump did not refrain from commenting on interest rates or the value of the dollar. "Trump said," I will speak as a private citizen. "After becoming president, I continue to say .. I do not care what everyone says, because my ideas have not changed. "
The dollar fell to $ 4.77.
Dollar / TRY yesterday the Netherlands
Bankers have noted that the depreciation of the dollar has caused optimism across the currencies of emerging markets, including the TL, as well. The relationship between Turkey and the Netherlands to make the normalization decision was also another reason to be optimistic about the market.
Starting at levels of 4.82 starting at $ / TL day, these developments dropped the direction and saw the lowest level at 4.7730! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (ffqq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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