Turkey exit Surprise: Europe can not do it


Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) rapporteur on Turkey, Marianne Mikko, found the explanation of the realization that the President and the term 27 parliamentary elections on June 24.

"A world, even EASY EASY TO SEE RATE"

[19659004] Estonian speaking to the German Social Democrats Mikko, declaring that participate in saying that the change from Turkey to dictatorship "Traditional democracy in Turkey would be a mistake to compare as in Russia. the elections percent of 88 attendance rates, no European country even

Mikko said that he had followed the elections in Diyarbakır, "Our election observation mission was very good." As an AKPM, we observed on the spot 35 parliamentarians from different political groups. We worked in harmony with the Turks. Became the ardïmc " said.

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Do beyond the biased and inaccurate perception of the West of Turkey with a positive statement last Mikko "Do not give up temperament mood" memorization In the spilling sentences of dedirtirce skirt, the selection process is exposed unduly critical TRT has not refrained from taking the target.

PACE rapporteur on Turkey, Mikko, despite evidence to the contrary PPAC presidential candidate defeated Muharram claimed that pro broadcasts is that the AKP of TRT continue to show targeted by Slim

4 Social Democrat MP Mikko referring to the issue of "Liberation of Demirtas" the main meeting point of the Alliance of the unpredictable

"Elections had Instead, the winners are certain.First, as promised, we hope that the OHAL will be abolished and that prisoners like Selahattin Demirtaş will be released. " Expressions are used.

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