Omer Faruk Odabaşı (6 years old), who was trying to console his mother who was injured in the passenger van and was crying on the scene, said, "I have nothing, do not cry."
Mr. Hadi Sokak in the Gumbet neighborhood. The 43 BC 5230 passenger van used by C. B. sank in Omer Faruk Odabaşı, which had been installed in front of the cab of the taxi driver to the right of the passenger, and drove for a while. C.B., the driver of the minibus, on the advice of the translators, noticed the situation and stopped. The health teams who were called to the scene made the first intervention to the child who was conscious after the accident. At that time, Omer Faruk tried to cheer up his mother, "I have nothing, do not cry", with a maturity that we do not expect from your age and a tear at first. After the first intervention, Omer Faruk Odabaşı, who was transported by ambulance to the Bodrum State Hospital, could not be rescued despite all the doctors' interventions. The dead body of Ömer Faruk, who learned to have lost his life due to internal bleeding, was sent to the Mugla Forensic Institute for autopsy.
Omer Faruk Odabaşı, who has long been at Turgutreisspor in the Super Amateur League, and who has been playing for many years in Bodrum by Mehmet Kocadon and is 38 years old despite the fact that football life continues to flourish. To be given so that Murat Odabaşı's nın sons learned plates.
He learned of the death of Omer Faruk Odabaşı, the son of deceased lawyer Omer Faruk Odabaşı, after his autopsy, his hometown Samsun was taken to the Terme district and put back on the ground. b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callmethod?
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