As a As Halkbank bank, Arslan said he immediately has the illusion of a liquidity measure against the risk of extraordinary cash outflows on July 15 and the following days. We have contributed to market confidence and stability by responding quickly to our government's invitations and incentives. support healthy price formation in the market. Referring to the fact that the banking sector has always been one of the most important elements of economic growth and stability, Arslan said that the banking sector has always been one of the most important elements economic growth and stability. "We have done closely with the economy of all players in the banking sector, especially for projects implemented to eliminate the perception of insecurity tried to establish on the market. Turkey's economy instead of our homework on me, "he said. acting organized as the banking sector to support the real sector and exhale credit and credit in order to stimulate the economy Arslan recalled that they have spent a lifetime of loans backed by the Guarantee Fund (KGF), and continued as follows: "Under the KGF guarantee last year, a total of TL 20.6 billion was spent with surety Our bank also took first place in the second program, which was launched this year and amounted to 55 billion TL, with 4.6 billion TL bond.In accordance with the Respiratory Loan Protocol we signed with TOBB, the TOBB granted a total of 2 billion TL TL lending to 12,855 companies for a total of TL 125 million of deposits Just before the coup attempt, we increased our cash loans, which were LT 139 billion in June 2016, to 55 billion and brought it to TL 216 billion in March 2018. "
Emphasizing that they are together, Arslan said," We have developed new innovative products that we need on a sectoral basis. For example, we have offered many products such as the Savunma Industrial Support Loan, the Energy Efficiency Conversion Loan, the Energy Saving Loan for SMEs, the Green Energy Loan, the Support Loan for Energy Saving, the Energy Saver Lo housing insulation and loan for the employment of SMEs. Finally, SMEs to enable them to increase their better planning and efficiency of their cash flow, we are raising our ARTISANS paraffin credit card, "he says.
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the coup d'état of Turkey with a sound economic structure and a stable management approach underlining the success of the initiative to minimize the effects of Arslan, "Mobilization of Government Employment", found in the real sector. In 2017, while more than 1.5 million citizens were allowed to work, our bank hired close to 3,000 graduates from related university departments. The drop in export ratios has contributed to the improvement of the economy through reforms supporting the real sector.
Halkbank Managing Director Osan Arslan said, "In this environment where the government is a source of trust and stability, the investments I think will increase quickly. The management system, which can be decided even more quickly in the new period, will have a positive effect on economic indicators. With the new Turkey management system, 2023 targets will confidently walk towards. "
Arslan said that three key elements behind the uninterrupted growth of Turkey in the economy," stability, trust and consistency. Stable economic policies, domestic and foreign investors and financial support brought to the confidence of domestic and foreign policy consistently exposed is the main source of current reputation of Turkey. Economic growth also comes with reputation. Turkey to implement its policies on the economy, the private sector and continues to grow with the support of foreigners, "he said.
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