United Nations Security Council, speaking at the session, which discussed the Palestinian issue Yalcin, US Permanent Representative of UN Nikki Haley "Palestinians United States to Arab countries, Turkey and that extra help from some countries, "he responded to the criticism. [19659002Yalcin"Nousnesommespasunenationquiannoncenosaideshumanitairesetdedéveloppementetnousnousenfélicitonsmaislesbénéficesquenousavonsfaitsauxréfugiéspalestiniensetpalestiniensneselimitentpasauxcontributionsquenousapportonsàl'UNRWAselonleprogrammelapositiondeleaderdupaysenTurquiedansl'aidehumanitaireà87milliardsRatiodurevenunationalestlepaysleplusgénéreuxaumondeavec085pourcentdansleclassementétablisurlabasede"hesaid
US UN Permanent Representative Nikki Haley, "rich Arab countries" to Turkey, including the Arab countries, especially the & # 39; identification in the form of Palestinian Palestinians and the UN have conducted criticism about the aid granted to help refugees organization.
Haley "If we evaluate the commitments made to the Palestinian people by the statements made by the countries of the United Nations Security Council or the United Nations General Assembly, a very distorted image emerges, where the negotiations At the UN end thousands of kilometers away, the Palestinian people would not have faced the desperate conditions we talked about today because the words would work in hospitals and on Palestinian streets. Regardless, Palestinians can not be as generous as the Arab neighbors of the Palestinians or the IIT, here in New York, do not feed, carry or even train a single Palestinian child. "[19659002] Nikki Haley said last year that the contribution of Iran, Algeria and Tunisia to UNRWA was "zero", that Pakistan and Egypt had contributed 20 thousand dollars, and that the China, which "350000, he gave $ 2 million to support Russia, Kuwait 9 million, the United Arab Emirates 12.8 million, while Turkey contributed 6.7 million, $ 364 million that the United States support the organization to give
Haley said that since the United States has helped Palestinians to more than $ 6 billion since 1993, Haley said: "The Arab countries have helped some of them. Among them in rich countries, Palestinians. n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? s] {if (f.fbq) return;
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