Two different reactions to the medical report on Alaattin Çakici


The report of Alaattin Çakıcı on the "Indefinite Board of Health", found guilty in the closed T-type prison in the Keskin district of Kırıkkale and treated at the Kırıkkale Yüksek İhtisas hospital, came out

June 22, Kırıkkale Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesi The report of the "Board of Health Indefinite" sent to the Prosecutor General of Kırıkkale indicated that there were 16 different types of illness of Alaattin Çakıcı and that 6 of these diseases were fatal.

"It is highly likely that Çakıcı will lose his life because of his illnesses, so with his parents, close friends, he will be at 7:00 am 7 days a week 20,00 for health and morale at the same time of the point From the viewpoint of the halting of these periods between the number of people desired and the number of such visits to enable him to control the illness and the patient's morale can connect to the life of God.

At the time of In the announcement, the names of the physicians who drafted the report were recorded and the report was to be sent to the Keskin T-type prison management and the Keskin T-type command of the K-type gendarmerie division. Kırıkkale Feramiş Ender Güngüneş Health Center and Yüksek İhtisas Başhekimi Tekin Akça Hospital were also taken into use after the dismissal of Chief Prosecutor Kırıkkale Erdogan Bayrakdar


The TTB sent to the Ministry of Health this summer: "The report contains no medical evidence of the process of diagnosis and treatment, and the language and style of the report are inconsistent with any of the available formats. "procedural and fenne" do not match.

TTB (Turkish Embassy in the Republic of Turkey) requested that the document be immediately communicated to us and the public, that the document was issued and regulated at the hospital and that it was regulated and sent to the public prosecutor and that the ministry it is emphasized that the call to the report does not contain any access or access to the health services of Çakıcı or any other prisoner and the & ı services services et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et et. prohibition or restriction of his contacts with his relatives. the appeal was launched: "Thousands of prisoners who have been diagnosed with deadly and chronic diseases who have difficulty announcing their voices, and all prisoners and prisoners


IHD Istanbul, Turkey

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Before the elections, the president of the MHP's preliminary election declared that the order of the day was withdrawn from private prison, and Kırıkkale Yüksek İhtisas hospital, where Alaattin Çakıcı was not released but was treated, The 22nd annual report of the Assembly, on June 22, with the parents the fourth degree and the desire to visit the unrestricted authorization were granted. "Raporda said:" Raporda, pointing out that Cakici's disease is lethal … "between 07:00 and 07:00 between 09:00 and 20:00 in terms of health and morale at the same time in terms of Halalization constantly between these periods with the names he wanted himself, "

It is said that the Turkish national unity reported to the report that" procedural and fenomenary "do not conform "and that all prisoners, without any discrimination, recall that the call for the provision of access to health services under conditions of equality has been made; "The report, prepared for Alaattin Çakıcı and discussing its accuracy with the dimensions of the medical determinations, shows a clear double standard.What is the problem with this double standard is not the possibilities offered in the treatment period of Çakıcı other prisoners must be deprived of treatment options, violations of their right to access to health and moral support as important as medicine in the treatment process.We repeat once again; prisoners should be able to receive health care on an equal basis, without any discrimination.

In order to ensure that all prisoners have the right to medical care, support Moral and Halalization, [ad_2]
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