"Vida" an apology from Croatia to Russia – 2018 World Cup – Football


The Croatian Football Federation apologized to Vukojevic for the image of Vukojevic, the national footballer Vukojevic, who shares social media with the national football player after the Russian victory.

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The Croatian Football Federation (HNS) apologized to Russia for the image of the national football player Domagoj Vida and the technical team Ognjen Vukojevic after Russia's victory in the 2018 FIFA World Cup, putting an end to Vukojevic he gave.

In the HNS statement, it was recalled that FIFA had initiated a disciplinary investigation on the grounds that Vidajevic shared Vida's statement with Ukraine after the quarter-final match played with Russia.

In the statement, Vukojevic terminated his technical staff and canceled his certification. "HNS apologizes to the Russian public for this behavior of a member of our team." the expressions have been included.

Vukojevic and Vida also apologized for their explanations and stated that they had no political objective.

In the statement made yesterday, the FIFA & # 39; da Besiktas & # 39; da Vida & ex-footballer Vukojevic & # 39; nin were the subject of a disciplinary investigation for sharing .

Vida and Vukojevic used the words "Victory Ukraine" to share their impressions after the match that they gave to Russia in the semifinal with a 4-3 superiority to the semifinals.

Vida said after the growth of the event, "There is no political situation, the picture was for a joke, I have a lot of friends from time to time carrying the shape of Kiev in Ukraine, I have no other intention.

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