In the Kazanan campaign A Summer Tale tal in which Symbol AVM took part the same day, the visitors of Symbol AVM, teslim A campaign was presented. could not hide his happiness.
7 pieces participated
Symbol AVM Managing Director Ercan Öztürk expressed his gratitude for the great interest of the campaign and thanked everyone who participated in the lottery and told Genel that we will continue similar campaigns in the future . A lucky customer, Melih Fil said: Fil We come often because it is the nearest symbol of AVM in Istanbul. I was shopping on June 30th. 7 pieces joined the competition. And the car came with the last cap. To win the car of course, the family made us happy bizi.
From June 28 to October 18, everyone who bought a symbol of 100 TL and multiples at Symbol AVM were lucky to have one of the best gifts, from the car to the iPhone 8, from the iPad to the Macbook Air. The campaign continued for about three and a half months and 148 thousand 122 coupons were issued. 1 person at the Volvo S60 T3 Advance auto lottery, 3 people Macbook Air, 3 people iPhone 8, 3 people received a gift from the iPad.
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