We itching 97 times a day | VATAN JOURNAL


<img itemprop = "url" alt = "We itching 97 times a day" title = "We itching 97 times a day" src = "http://idora.gazetevatan.com/vatanmediafile/Haber598x362/2018/07 /10/gunde-97-kez-kasiniyoruz-3610366.Jpeg

It is estimated that on average 97 times a day, probably after reading this sentence, you will begin scratching.

2. The itching of Insects and plants caused by the toxins left behind by the toxins caused the immune system to shift.

[3] The itch has its own neural networks, and until recently, it was thought that itching and l '# Bitterness shared the same neural networks, but a study conducted in 1997 showed that itching and bitterness

.4 But the itch signals are much slower and the nerve fibers are at different speeds. contact signal travels at 322 km / h. "Sudden pain e "(the pain you feel when you touch your hand with a hot thing) is 128 km / h. the speed of the itch signal is 3.2 km / h. It's slower than walking speed.

5. Itching, like stretching, is also contagious. When the researchers watched the video of a group of shriveled rats, they also began scratching.

6. During infectious itching, the tiny area of ​​the brain, called the higher kyazmatic nucleus, moves. But nervous scientists have not yet understood how this part has seen itching and how it has spread this behavior.

7. The best way to treat the insects and plants that cause itching is to scratch. Thus, these external factors are removed from the body. The scraping also allows the veins to expand and clean the toxins entering the body with white blood cells and plasma.

8. The itch is a satisfying feeling because during this time the secretion of serotonin, known as the happiness hormone in the brain, is secreted.

9. In our body, the area we love most is my ankles. Research shows it.

10. The feeling of itching increases as you scratch. This cycle needs attention. This is due to the extra secretion of histamine, which causes the brain to send more scraping signals.

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