What are the caries damages? Do caries cause cavities?


Do you know that if you do not have healthy teeth and gums, you will get sick more often; moreover, a hidden infection in your teeth can make your heart, kidneys or veins sick. The experts have a small decay; he says that it can cause cardiovascular disease, rheumatism, ulcers, kidney and liver problems and even cancer. All the damage you've never heard of …


Tooth decay; Our lifestyle is strongly influenced by the nutrients we eat, the quality of our care for the teeth, the water we drink and the fluoride content of the toothpaste. Inheritance also plays a role in the tendency to rot teeth.

Cavities are usually seen in children, while adults are at risk. Types of cavities include:

Coronal bruising: Although coronary caries is common in children and adults, these bruises often occur on the chewing surface or between the teeth.

Root rot: As we get older, our gums are pulled out and the roots of the teeth are exposed. These areas are likely to decompose because the enamel does not protect the root of the teeth.

Recurrent bruising: Recurrent caries may occur in the vicinity of existing fillings and crowns. Indeed, in these areas, plaque collection tends to cause cavities.

Saliva due to lack of saliva, adults are particularly threatened by cavities. Dry mouth; illness, drugs, radiation and chemotherapy can lead to temporary (lasting for days or months) or permanent sequelae.

Cavity is a very serious condition because, if it is not treated, it can destroy teeth, kill sensitive nerves located at the root of the tooth can be set because the infection area can cause an abscess. Once the abscess is formed, the tooth can only be treated or removed by a root canal treatment.

Do caries cause cancer?


The decay moves first into the dental bone, where it begins to quickly harm the area. This breaks down the interaction with the dental bone. This causes a color change of the teeth and a smell of bacteria. If you brush your teeth frequently, it may not be enough to eliminate this condition if the toothbrush is placed in the toothbrush. For this reason, every six months, the dentist should be able to get control.

According to their research, experts have concluded that all oral caries affects all our systems. The bacteria that form in the mouth are placed in the organs that we find in our other systems, including our digestive system, by eating and drinking water. And these bacteria are not good bacteria. Bacteria feed on the human body and cause various diseases.

It is possible to find examples of newly formed carcinomas caused by tooth decay. These cancers usually start with organ failure, and the bacteria slowly kill the cells that perform the functions of their organs. It then disrupts the immune system and spreads throughout the body, causing other diseases, including cancer.


A small tooth decay neglected; Experts who say that they can cause cardiovascular disease, rheumatism, ulcers, kidney and liver, and even cancer, have 10 golden rules for having healthy teeth with oral care and regular dentists. It has been registered:

1-) Brush your teeth in the morning and evening, using dental floss and mouthwashes to clean the teeth in detail.

2-) A balanced diet is very important for oral health.

3-) Hard nuts such as hazelnuts and nuts should not be broken with teeth.

4) Eating fibrous and very hard foods such as carrots and apples is a kind of toothbrush that cleans and strengthens teeth.

5) After foods such as sugar, chocolate and Turkish delicacies, you should brush your teeth or rinse thoroughly with water.

6) With the appearance of teeth in childhood, the use of a sealer for cracks in the molars avoids bruising.

7) Sugar-free chewing gum helps clean teeth.

8) Natural juices or mineral waters should be preferred to acidic drinks.

9) Regular dental hygienists, taking panoramic radiographs at regular intervals, should be checked for caries.

10) It strengthens the teeth with the application of fluoride.

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