Syphilis, or syphilis, is a sexually transmitted disease that causes serious long-term complications (undesirable consequences) if it is not treated properly. The disease is a bactericide called Treponema pallidum
The main route of transmission of the disease is sexual intercourse. The patient goes from the person to the health. The microbes of a wound in the body that has been in contact with the genital area. Anal and oral sex are important factors in the transmission of this disease.
Again, the probability of infection from mother to baby is quite high. A germ infecting a pregnant woman with syphilis that has not yet been born can cause the stillborn baby. In addition, dead babies can also lose their early survival.
Very rarely, there are other modes of transmission of the disease. The blood of a psychotic person can be transmitted to another person's body as a result of an endemic disease. But that's a weak possibility. These can be seen in the external genitalia, vagina, rectum, rectum, mouth and lips.
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The disease can be seen in three stages.
First step: In the first step, a typical syphilis scar is seen. The ridges called shankr are marked, hard, round, oval, simple, clean, watery and painless. Sometimes there may be more than one. The wound is located at the entrance of the body.
Second stage: After an average of 1 to 6 months after the outbreak of ankırr, fever, headache and sore throat, joint pain, weakness, loss of appetite Symptoms of weight loss , nausea and vomiting appear. Rashes and / or wounds may occur during the second stage. This stage begins with a rash that occurs in one or more areas of the body. The rash is rough, mellow, red, reddish-brown spots. The hand is tight in the palms and soles. It's not usually so irritating and sometimes breathless enough to be realized. Similar to these rashes, lesions in the form of gray-white plaques are observed in the mouth, pharynx and mucosa of the genital area. Some patients of this period may have nervous system involvement, involvement of the joints, liver, eyes or kidneys. If syphilis is not properly treated at this stage, the following stage progresses
Secret and late stage: Syphilis can remain in the body for years without being discovered unless it is treated. Symptoms of difficulty, paralysis, numbness, blindness and mental disorders can be observed in the coordination of muscle movements during this period. The patient at this stage is not contagious. The disease can cause damage to the internal organs (heart, liver, brain) and cause death.
The nervous system may be involved in all phases of syphilis and this may be asymptomatic and cause symptoms such as disturbances of consciousness, paralysis, gait and balance disorders, dementia, urinary incontinence , speech disorders
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People with syphilis should be treated and followed by a doctor. The correct use of antibiotics is important, but the treatment can not reverse the damage caused by the infection. Penicillin is the first choice at all stages of this disease and usually treats the disease successfully.
There is no vaccination against the disease. The most important element to protect against sexually transmitted diseases is to avoid unprotected sex. Monogamy is also recommended. The condom should always be used for sex.
Increases the risk of unprotected sex and multiple sexual partners
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