What is Hashimoto related to infertility and cancer?


The thyroid gland, which has an important function in the human body, allows the production of hormones that control many activities in the human body. Thyroiditis, the thyroid of Hashimoto, causes the inadequate functioning of the thyroid gland. Specialist in Endocrine Surgery Dr. According to information provided by Yeşim Erbil; Hashimoto's thyroiditis is generally more common in women between the ages of 30 and 50.

TEMPORARY LIMITS: Complaints vary depending on the severity of the disease. Fatigue, fatigue, chronic insomnia despite regular sleep, difficulty remembering, forgetfulness, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, thickening of the stomach, depressed mood, weight loss during stop, weight loss easy, stool slowing, muscle and joint pain, are the most common symptoms of the thyroid. The menstrual period in the thyroid hashimoto is also more painful and longer. The insufficiency of the thyroid hormone also causes sexual reluctance, an inability to conceive, that is, a temporary infertility. Do not mix with depression: The low need for triode hormones from the body can result in weight gain, even though people are fed with caution. Serotinin also reduces the secretion of the hormone, causing the person to become a sad and depressed mood. The hair becomes dull and can easily dry out. The same problems also occur in the eyelashes and eyebrows. In addition, because of the slowing down of your metabolism, it is possible to see cutaneous nails and broken nails.

MEDICINE: When thyroid insufficiency develops, the thyroid hormone (usually synthetic T4) is administered in place of the missing hormone. However, only the use of this drug does not pass the patient's complaints. Complaints such as fatigue, fatigue, weight gain, weight loss, depression, constipation, diarrhea, hair loss, forgetfulness, fever, sometimes palpitations, distraction, instability of the mouth persist and stop. Yes, there are some. In all autoimmune diseases, it has been proven that gluten and refined sugar increase inflammation. The increase in inflammation increases the synthesis of stress hormones and inhibits the conversion of the hormone T4 (drugs are T4) into active hormone T3. The results on the report are within normal limits, but T3 does not enter the cell and the patient's complaints continue. This disease is very closely related to the purchase of food. It has been proven in many publications that selenium and vitamin D are effective in reducing antibodies. Selenium, vitamin D, zinc, B vitamins, magnesium are very important in the conversion of T4 hormones into T3. These vitamins and minerals must be given according to the deficiencies of the patients. CONSIDERING In some cases, autoimmune diseases such as vitiligo, pernicious anemia, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes may be accompanied by Hashimoto's disease. The thyroid gland shrinks with the development of hypothyroidism. The narrowing of the thyroid gland is an indication that the hypothyroidism is permanent.

HOW TO TREAT ?: Laser treatment reduces inflammation (intracellular inflammation) and increases blood supply to the thyroid gland. It is a source of thyroid gland in hashimoto's disease. Laser therapy at the thyroid gland reduces inflammation and increases the T4 hormone to the active T3 hormone. The treatment of the cause of the disease is a holistic approach. Laser therapy is also an important part of this approach.

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