What is the date of the feast of sacrifice 2018 What is the feast of the month of sacrifice 2018 What is the current schedule of the presidency of religious affairs? The Feast of Sacrifice, which is one of the important and holy days for Muslims to sacrifice their sacrifice, will begin on Tuesday, August 21, according to the religious calendar. August 24, Friday will be the end.
Workers who could not find what they wanted during Ramadan were locked up for a 9-day sacrifice leave. The festival of sacrifices, which is one of the spiritual and religious festivals in which sacrificial worship is celebrated, takes place on Tuesday, August 21st. The fourth day of the sacrifice will end on Friday, August 24th. The Feast of Sacrifice will take place on Monday, August 20th. In conjunction with weekends, the Feast of Sacrifice will be 9 days.
KURBAN BAYRAM HOLIDAY DAY: Since the Feast of Sacrifice in 2017 is merged with August 30, the employee who has a chance to do a holiday of 11 days, have the chance to do it. The feast of the Feast of Sacrifice falls on Monday, August 20th. The following Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are official holidays.
KURBAN NEDİR: In the dictionary, sacrifice, which means "something to approach, to establish closeness to God," means a religious term as "worship" for reasons of reason, a special court is an animal that has regularly slaughtered or slaughtered an animal with certain conditions ". In Arabic, this type of animal is called udhiyye.
In the Qur'an, the Qur'an is not the same as the Qur'an. It is mentioned that the two sons of Adam made sacrifices to Allah (al-Ma'id 5/27); another point is that the judgment of sacrifice is placed on all divine religions (al-Hajj 22/34). However, in Judaism and Christianity, the consciousness of the victim has changed a lot.
In the Koran, in the Koran, in the Koran, in the Koran, the Prophet Jesus.
Some people are forced to sacrifice: Sacrifice is a form of mental health, intimidation, is a financial cult to be performed by any Muslim who has the wealth of his wealth and who is the resident (Merjînânî, al-Hidâye, VII, 148). It is necessary to sacrifice people who have 80.18 grams of gold or silver or other material other than basic necessities and debt (Mevlil, al-Ihtiiyar, IV, 252-256, Ibn Abidin, Reddul al-Qutar, IX, 452-453).
HADITH AND EMAIL RELATING TO THE KURBAN BAYRAM : "Hajj and Umreyi do for Allah, if you are detained (of them), send the victim to your friend. Do not shave your head until you are in your place Anyone who is sick of you, or if you have a head disease, you need a ransom for fasting, charity or sacrifice (for the pilgrimage trip) If you want to enjoy the days of pilgrimage until the days of pilgrimage, you must cut a sacrifice of ease.The one who did not sacrifice the fast three times in the days of pilgrimage, and seven when he returned to his country, that they are all ten days.This is for those who do not live in the vicinity of the Prophet Muhammad.Carry Allah (Messenger of Allah). . "(Baccarat 2/196)
According to the narration of Âsee (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saas) said:" On the day of the sacrifice, Adam will not have distributed an act. This sacrifice will come on the Day of Resurrection with horns, hair and nails. The blood of the victim is immediately accepted on the floor of Allah before he falls.
"Tell them the truth of the two sons of Adam: they were presented with a sacrifice, but one of them was accepted as one and the only one. 39, other as unacceptable. " (Ibn Majce, Edahi: 3). He said, "I am going to kill you," said the sister, who is not accepted as a victim because of jealousy. The other says: "Allah only accepts takva owners". … (Mâide 5/27)
Enes b. According to Malik (ra): "Rasulullah (sav) sacrificed two coaches with two horns, two-colored with his own hand." (Bukhari, Edahi: 7, Muslim, Edahi: 3)
Say: "My prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are all for the Lord God of all worlds. "(In 6/162)
Bera B. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) says:" A lame animal, a single-eyed animal, an animal whose disease is certain, a Weak and impenetrable animal is not sacrificed "(Abu Dawud, Dahaya: 5, Ibn Majah, Edahi: 8)
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