The Organized Uterus (uterus), which allows the fertilized egg (embryo) to grow, grow and grow until birth, called the 'uterus'. uterus. The uterus is in the pelvic bone, behind the bag of urine, at the front of the large intestine
The size of the uterus is between 5 and 6 cm at women to be born, but it is higher in women who give birth (6 to 7 cm). The bonds that hold the organs of the genital area may lose their function due to age, number of births and form. In this case, the uterus slips or comes out of the vagina. Excessive stretching of muscles and connective tissue around the abdomen due to excessive pregnancy, estrogen deficiency, normal delivery, a large baby, heavy loads, constant cough, chronic constipation and overwork, obesity and lung disease. [19659003L'affaissementutérinestsouventplusfréquentchezlesfemmesquionteuuneouplusieurspériodesmenstruellespostnatales(naissancevaginale)MaisilpeutégalementêtrevuchezlesfemmesenâgedeprocréerAvoiruntissuconjonctifgénétiquementpauvreestl'undesfacteursderisque
Moderate uterine collapse;
Kegel exercises that constrict pelvic muscles in mild to moderate uterine sarcomas can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions such as pain in the back, a mass in the form of 39, a vaginal mass or a sensation of demolding. relieve symptoms, relax the patient. Kegel exercises done as a precaution; the pelvic floor muscles supporting the uterus, bladder and bowel are constricted. Pelvic floor muscles are tight muscles to stop urination. If the pelvic floor becomes stronger, the symptoms associated with uterine prolapse decrease and provide better support to the pelvic organs. During Kegel exercises, the pelvic muscles are squeezed for 5 seconds and released for 5 seconds. These exercises should be done 3 times a day, 10 times a day.
However, advanced uterine sagging requires surgery. The surgery can be performed from the abdomen or from below (vaginal route). In advanced sagittal, the woman is able to feel with her cuff. Or in other cases, the uterus can be seen completely outside the vagina seen from the outside. Uterine sagging also affects the large intestine (rectum-rectocele) and the urinary sac (bladder-cystocele). At rest, during coughing, coughing and sneezing, fullness and pain are felt in the lower region. When the rectum accompanies a sagging rectum, the rectum gets closer to the vagina and causes constipation. If there is sagging in the urine, there is a problem of urinary incontinence and urination difficult during standing, during intercourse and during laughter. Sagging genitalia negatively affects sex life. Urinary incontinence and subregional complaints can easily be detected following a gynecological examination when they are referred to a physician
The treatment of uterine sarcoma is planned according to the individual. The age of the patient, that he wants to have children, the degree of illness and the general state of health change the form of treatment. Kegel exercises and sagging can be stopped in part, even in mild to moderate sagging. Surgical intervention is unavoidable in case of advanced uterine prolapse.
If uterine prolapse is advanced, the ligaments that retain it in the abdominal cavity are reached in the abdomen and these ligaments are raised and strengthened. So you do not have to be caught. The risk of re-emergence of sarkman varies depending on the type of surgery performed and the patient's self-protection after the surgery. To avoid the occurrence of uterine sarcoma problem to eat healthy, excessive weight gain, constipation is not the first step to take. It can also be helpful to exercise to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen.
Doç. Dr. Taner Usta
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Instagram: / drtanerusta
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