When is it dangerous to eat eggs? (What to look for when eating eggs?)


protein warehouse eggSometimes it can cause significant health problems. Phytotherapy specialist Contact Buğra directlyEggs are one of the most important and delicious food sources. However, production, storage conditions, method of cooking and consumption should be the object of much attention. Otherwise, it could hurt instead of benefits, Aksi said.


He warned that intact hygienic eggs can cause serious diseases such as salmonella. Buyrukcu, ine First, the production date must be very careful when buying eggs. Eggs must be purchased in an undisturbed environment and subject to biological verification. Harmful microorganisms in the shell of hatched eggs may reproduce. Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator immediately after purchase, before being eaten. Eggs should be thoroughly washed before. The broken egg may be at the origin of the salmonella bacteria, called typhoid. This bacterium, which can cause food poisoning and acute intestinal infection, is particularly transmitted by raw and undercooked eggs. Again, we must wash our hands after contact with bacteria, he said.

Phytotherapist Contact Buğra directly
Phytotherapist Contact Buğra directly


Specialist in herbal medicine, eggs in the intestinal diseases, such as irritable diseases, can cause chronic diseases called "arachidonic acid", there is a substance, these patients should pay attention to the consumption of eggs, he said.

Stressing the need to cook the egg in the shell with the slightest consistency of apricot accentuated. Buyrukcu, ağı The cooking time should be given a lot of attention, the risk of illness if it is badly cooked, very scalded when the protein is spoiled, will be toxic for a lot of fat in the oil. There should never be a green line between its yellow and white, and it should not be eaten. It must be kept in mind that one-third of the egg is composed of saturated fats. However, the risk for cardiovascular patients is lower than that of red meat. It is important for healthy organizations to consume one egg per day and consult with their doctors who have health problems.


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