The next Xiaomi full-screen smartphone Information about Mi Mix 3 was brief but the last two days an introductory post fled and a live view of the phone gave a lot of information on this phone.
<img class = "aligncenter size-full wp-image-216822" src = "https://cepkolik.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/mi-mix-3-001.jpg" alt = "Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 new live pictures sealed!" When we looked at the picture Mi Mix 3 brought the full-screen experience to a whole new level which made it look in Mi Mix 2S and put the headphones in the upper frame. It seems that Apple is not the only company that can understand how to get rid of sub-frame like Apple iPhone X .
And the futuristic camera will look like Models NEX vivo .If the images and posters are not fake vivo NEX S and Oppo Find X appears to be included in the competition ratioscreen-body Mi Mix 3 (function (d, s, id) {
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