Tuukka Rask made a huge mistake in the dying minutes against the Rangers. Here is his explanation


With the Bruins in possession of the puck and time ticking off in the closing minutes of their Wednesday game against the Rangers, goaltender Tuukka Rask began to skate toward the Boston bench. It is common when a team is down and wants to put an extra skater on the ice to improve the odds of a tied goal.

The only problem? The score was already tied, 2-2.

Bruins coach Bruce Cassidy, his assistants and at least six teammates on the bench frantically motioned for Rask to get back between the pipes.

What was Rask thinking?

“I just had to say something to Jaro [Halak] really fast, ”Rask unmoved.

“No, honestly, I thought we were down, 2-1,” he said, slightly sheepish. “That’s all. I was waiting for Butchy to give me a sign. I thought, ‘Why the hell isn’t he …’ There was about a minute and a half left. I decided to come. Chucky. [McAvoy] said to me: “Buddy, it’s 2-2”. “

Cassidy smirked and shook her head slightly.

“I would like to think he thought it was a delayed penalty,” he said.

Left winger Brad Marchand said he thinks the Bruins are heading for the power play. He was planning on giving his goalie a pass – “he made a lot of big saves tonight” – but Rask will take his share of the hills.

“I didn’t panic at all,” Rask said as soon as he realized the game was tied and his net was empty. “I wasn’t laughing anymore, actually.

“Hey, it’s an entertainment industry, I guess. With a bit of luck [fans] I laughed at that.

Several of Rask’s 33 saves on Wednesday were highlight variety and kept the Bruins from falling behind in the third period as they were outdone, 15-6, and allowed 11 of 14 scoring opportunities on the ice. The Bruins won 3-2 in overtime on Marchand’s goal.

Matt Porter can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter: @mattyports.


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