Tweets from Texas lawmakers mocking California power outages resurface amid winter storm


Tweets from Republican lawmakers in Texas mocking power outages in California come under fire this week as the Lone Star State grapples with winter storms that have lost power to many in their homes.

GOP lawmakers shook Democrats when massive heatwaves in California in 2019 caused widespread power outages that affected 30 of the state’s 58 counties.

Over the weekend, an unusual winter storm left millions of people in Texas without power, forcing the state’s power grid operator to declare its highest state of emergency and put in light up old tweets from Republican lawmakers.

A tweet from Sen. Ted cruzRafael (Ted) Edward Cruz Juan Williams: Bring sanity back to the GOP The memo: Trump is tainted but hasn’t made China a central part of GOP efforts to push back Biden MORE (R-Texas) last August received special attention for blaming Joe bidenJoe BidenMcConnell doesn’t rule out getting involved in Republican primaries Lost files documents to explore Senate-led Hillicon Valley in 2022: Talk announces official relaunch | Google signs salary deal with major Australian media company China at heart of GOP effort to push back Biden MORE and Kamala harrisKamala Harris Biden writes Valentine’s Day message to wife Graham: Lara Trump is biggest winner in impeachment trial Rahm Emanuel predicts Trump will seek revenge on GOP opponents, will not run for re-election MORE, who were then running for President and Vice-President, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez Governor of Puerto Rico: Congress ‘Morally Obliged’ to Act on Biden State Vote, Like Most New Presidents, Will Have His Chance in Economics Five Things Biden Should Do to Fight the climate emergency PLUS, who represents New York, for wanting to make “California’s failed energy policy the national standard.”

A tweet from Rep. And CrenshawDaniel Crenshaw Will the post-Trump GOP party arrive soon? NBA forces all teams to play national anthem Conservatives outraged after Cuba ditched anthem before Mavericks games READ MORE (R-Texas) from September also resurfaced in which he tweeted the Los Angeles mayor’s story and wrote, “Alexa, show me what happens when you let Democrats control energy policy.”

The mayor’s tweet had suggested Californians turn off excess lights and unplug appliances to save energy.

representative Ruben GallegoRuben GallegoOvernight Defense: New START extended by five years | Austin orders “to step back” to fight extremism | Panel recommends Biden delay withdrawal from Afghanistan Arizona GOP Chairman Kelli Ward faces election recount, Puerto Rican officials call in hopes of progress on creation of a state LEARN MORE (D-Ariz.) Tweeted Tuesday that the impact of winter storms in Texas should be a lesson “to stop diving in other states when they go through disasters.”

Hope this teaches politicians in Texas to stop sinking into other states when they go through disasters. All Americans deserve the help and empathy of their compatriots, whether it is a Blue State or a Red State. (I am guilty of this and I will be better off) ”, Gallego tweeted.

Updated at 4:39 p.m.


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