Twins 7, Royals 6: A lousy victory is always a victory


Rocco Baldelli released his first "escape day" program of the year, but the offensive still offered some pop. Unfortunately, Kyle Gibson, who has not thrown the ball this season, was not able to dive very far into the game.

The two teams exchanged their points in the first two rounds, Adalberto Mondesi having tripled at the bottom of the first. He was driven by Alex Gordon before the Twins came out of the inning. At the top of the second run, Minnesota scored a brace from Eddie Rosario and a ribbie Willians Astudillo.

Our Twinkies took the lead in fourth place, scoring two more points. Mitch Garver doubled and took third place on a mistake by placing La Tortuga well before Ehire Adrianza drove Mitch! with a fly bag.

In the fifth, however, the home team came back in force. Billy Hamilton made a two-man outing and stole second place, scoring a Whit Merrifield single. Pesky Adalberto Mondesi chose to place two ducks on the pond and noticed that twins killer Alex Gordon hit a Gibson jack to take a 4-3 lead for the Royals. Jorge Soler made a mistake with Jorge Polanco and Ryan O'Hearn and Chris Owings both asked to score another before the end ended mercifully in the hands of opponent Adalberto Mejia .

The Twins have one back in the sixth inning, when Mitch Garver once again led the turtle. In eighth place, Garver again singled and a pair of Tyler Austin put two riders in the lead position. Max Kepler Keppled, and hit a scorer on the left field to make the draw.

In the ninth, Nelson Cruz walked and Byron Buxton replaced him on the baspaths. Fast Buck stole second and then kicked off a clutch single from Eddie Rosario.

The rest, as they say, belongs to history.



Willians Astudillo: 3-in-4, 2 points scored, RBI

Mitch Garver: 3-in-4, 2 points scored, 2 RBI

Eddie Rosario: 2 for 4, RBI, BB

Nelson Cruz: 0-2, 2 BB



No, it's a twins win !!!


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