Twitch Psychic Sparks controversy after spectator involvement should lead to divorce – Game Rant


Twitch is perhaps best known for hosting video game feeds, but the streaming site actually offers a wide variety of content. This includes mediums that make tarot card readings, one of the most popular being Antphrodite. However, Antphrodite found himself at the center of controversy after reading a tarot card in which he seemed to suggest that his viewer leave her husband.

On June 11, Antphrodite read a tarot card for one of Twitch's viewers, who was looking for insight into her relationship with her husband. In the feed, Antphrodite noted that many of the tarot cards he had returned were returned, which is apparently a bad sign.

"I'm concerned, listen to me, I do not judge your relationship, I will not tell you what to do, but what I'm going to tell you is that I'm afraid this person does not want what's going on." there is better for you, no matter what they say, "said Antphrodite then added," I am also worried about their potential impact, not only on you, but on those who They seem to be ready to do whatever is necessary to get what they want, I do not like that energy. "

Click here to see the feed.

psychic contraction arouses controversy after involving the viewer should get the divorce

The feed caught the attention of the Internet, and many of them quickly denounced Antphrodite's comments on Reddit and social media. This has also sparked a debate about the morality of "psychics". After all, Antphrodite is essentially warning someone – who can even buy that he has some kind of psychic ability – against her husband, that Antphrodite does not even know. And he benefits financially.

Since Twitch is primarily used for games, some might be surprised that tarot card reads are even on the deck. However, as mentioned earlier, Twitch is used to broadcast a wide variety of content. This includes Twitch IRL where streamers are allowed to broadcast essentially what they want, as long as they do not follow Twitch's rules.

The recent Twitch IRL feed became quite remarkable as it featured one of Twitch's stars, Dr. Disrespect, at E3 2019. In the feed, Dr. Disrespect was filmed in the restroom public, which is illegal Canal Twitch banned with no known return date at the moment. It is unlikely that Antphrodite will suffer the same consequences since he has not broken any of Twitch's rules, but it will be interesting to see how the Twitch community will react to this situation.

Source: Dexerto


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