Twitch streamers get creative to protest DMCA takedown


Twitch cuts and deletes streams In light of recent DMCA issues, encourages content broadcasters to replace original audio with their own voices.

Tic streamers continue to report their streams being cut or removed to contain copyrighted audio as the streaming platform continues to toughen enforcement of DMCA claims, so they demonstrate creativity in their protests. Streamers responded by playing video games during their live broadcasts in complete silence, providing commentary that chronicles their every move and giving their best impressions of what the actual game sound looks like to gain attention. on Twitch’s ridiculous treatment of them.

Twitch uses an automated system designed to detect any copyrighted content played or displayed during live streams. Now it looks like the audio in the game is also unacceptable; several users reported that Twitch flagged their content for playing certain video game sound effects, although games are inherently used fairly on the platform. Twitch has adjusted its copyright guidelines and protocol in light of a reported increase in the number of DMCA claims filed between 2017 and 2019. That rise largely focused on the music that streamers were showing back. -plan of their emissions.

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According to Polygon, Tic didn’t offer any concrete suggestions on how to navigate the revamped guidelines, other than telling players they can mute the game while they are streaming live. It is a provocative response to TicThe recent Twitter and blog post that responded to these concerns by saying:

“We were as surprised at the number of music-related DMCA takedowns as you are. Before May, we were getting less than 50 a year. Now, we’re getting thousands every week. That led to the email. warning some of you were getting in October. “

Twitch has been purging user content from its site for the past month and it looks like the problem is only getting worse. Whether or not this DMCA debate can be resolved is largely a question of the platform and the decisive actions it takes. Although Twitch has publicly acknowledged the problem with an apology, no legitimate solution has yet been offered. Twitch is obligated to provide a unified response to the DMCA controversy and offer users a smarter option rather than leaving them the impractical suggestion to mute the game. Alternative steps to avoid triggering the DMCA process must be available to users. We also need more transparency. Several players reported that their content was removed from their channels without warning or explanation during the second wave of DMCA takedowns earlier this month.

The fact that users have to go to such extreme efforts to comply with Twitch’s new copyright policies is both comical and disturbing. On the one hand, these players deserve to be commended for their imaginative approach to a negative situation that has the potential to hurt them financially. On the other hand, it should never have come to this, and teardowns continue to raise serious concerns about the future of streaming on Tic.

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Sources: Polygon, Tic

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