Twitter account @DevinCow Nunes Sued, it now has more followers


A day later, the representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) sued a Twitter account claiming to be his cow for $ 250 million. This cow is more popular on Twitter than him.

the @DevinCow A low account count before Nunes filed his lawsuit, another parody posing as Nunes' mother, Republican strategist Liz Mair and Twitter for defamation. In the short term at least, the lawsuit turned against him and turned the @DevinCow into a famous cause for Nunes critics on the site.

Nunes' lawsuit against the @DevinCow account alleges that the cow defamed him by calling him a criminal and stating that he was under criminal investigation. @ DevinCow attacks on Nunes have often played on keyword games, calling it "cowpoke traitor" and "worthless udder".

"Devin is a culprit in crime," wrote @DevinCow in a tweet quoted by Nunes as part of his libel suit.

@ The growing profile of DevinCow has also drawn more attention to its original story. The name of the account refers to the Nunes family who moved their dairy farm to Iowa, where they can employ undocumented immigrants.

While Nunes was trying to sue the anonymous creator of this account, Twitter users rallied around the fake cow to try to get more followers than Nunes.

Nunes has nearly 400,000 subscribers on Twitter and @DevinCow started with around 1,200. But following the digital heifer was an easy, though minor, opportunity for Democrats to return to Nunes on what he saw as mismanagement. from the House intelligence committee's investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia when he was leading the panel before the Democrats took the year.

Wednesday afternoon, @DevinCow exceeded the number of supporters of Nunes. Around 2 pm, the cow had about 420,000 followers, nearly 30,000 more than Nunes.

Influential Twitter personalities, including Ana Navarro, a CNN contributor, and Andy Lassner, producer at Ellen DeGeneres, urged Twitter users to follow this account.

"MOO-chas gracias," tweeted Navarro, inviting his followers to support the cow.

"Thank you for reminding us how Devin Nunes is a colossally pathetic putz," Lassner wrote.

Nunes and the cow account operator did not respond to requests for comment.

While the cow inflicted damage to Nunes on Twitter, Nunes could also lose in court. Legal commentators have criticized the Nunes case against the cow and other defendants.

Tuesday, Trump's lawyer and critic, George Conway, the husband of White House advisor Kellyanne Conway, tweeted that he did not need to represent @DevinCow in court. The case was so weak, Conway wrote, that @DevinCow could win the case that represents it.


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