Twitter is starting to roll out labels for automated accounts (or bot accounts), the company said Thursday. “Examples of automated accounts you might see on Twitter include bots that help you find vaccine appointments and disaster early warning systems,” Twitter said in an FAQ. “When these accounts let you know they’re automated, you better understand their purpose when you interact with them. “
First, in what Twitter calls a test, a small number of developers will be asked to be able to apply the labels to their accounts. For test accounts that have labels enabled, an “Automated” label will appear on profile pages and on the tweets themselves for the accounts. Twitter says all developers will be able to use the labels by the end of the year.
What is a bot and what is not? We facilitate identification #GoodBots and their automated Tweets with new tags.
Starting today, we’re testing these labels to give you more context on the people you interact with on Twitter. pic.twitter.com/gnN5jVU3pp
– Twitter support (@TwitterSupport) September 9, 2021
The rollout starts a little later than the July schedule that had been previously promised. Twitter is also working on a tag to commemorate the deceased. Last I heard, this label was supposed to be available this year.
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