Twitter features 40 adorable Avengers emoticons, including Thor's Korg: Ragnarok


Twitter is getting ready for Avengers: End of the game with 40 new emoticons that celebrate almost all the Marvel Cinematic Universe heroes, even those Thanos has taken.

Marvel Studios has partnered with pop artist Truck Torrence to create the Twitter emoji featured on the photo below. The most obvious superheroes are there: Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Thor and Hawkeye, as well as newcomers, such as Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Thanos himself. More importantly, there are two emoji for Korg and Miek, the best characters in Thor: Ragnarok.

The different emoji Avengers.
Image: Marvel / Twitter

One of the only notable missing characters is Vision. The last time we saw Paul Bettany's character was in Avengers: war in the infinite when he was tortured by Thanos, while the infinity stone in the middle of his forehead was torn from his head. It is unfortunate that he is absent – especially if you consider that Thanos receives two emoji and that even Red Skull makes an appearance – but that's okay. It is, after all, the art of Torrence. We can not blame an artist to follow himself vision.

Emoji are available to use now. Avengers: End of the game will be published on April 26.


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