Twitter stores your "deleted" DMs for years


Twitter allows users to delete direct messages from their own side of the conversation (the recipient will still have the option to keep a copy unless they also choose to delete it). But it turns out that these deleted messages are not really erased, according to a report by security researcher Karan Saini, via TechCrunch.

It turns out that despite the fact that the message was deleted, Twitter still stores all those DM dating from previous years. People can access it simply by download archived data to their account from Twitter. Saini confirms that even messages sent to and from deleted or suspended accounts are still accessible.

This is not the problem of most concern: the data seems to be available only to the user who sent or received the message, but the fact that Twitter does not delete messages when he says that it isit's not a great look for society. Twitter is at least aware of the problem, commenting TechCrunch that it was "to deepen the question to ensure that we have taken into account the full extent of the issue", but this does not guarantee that nothing will change.

If nothing else, it's a good reminder that on the internet nothing has ever really disappeared even though a company says it has been deleted.


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